The Importance of Responsiveness

The Importance of Responsiveness

Responsiveness: Be ready, willing, and available to help when needed. When I interviewed with Becky to join the Weaving Influence team, she asked me what each of Weaving Influence’s core values meant to me. At the time, I was transitioning from working live events; so...
Why Responsiveness Matters to Me

Why Responsiveness Matters to Me

In crafting core values for our company, I landed on responsiveness as especially important for the kind of work we do. With so many different communication channels and nearly constant information overload, I wanted to be sure that we focused our attention on staying...
Meet Team Member Mike Driehorst

Meet Team Member Mike Driehorst

One of the fun things about being part of a virtual team is not only the variety of people you get to know, but discovering the connections between them that exist outside the company. For instance, coworkers who attended college together, whose children know each...