by Becky Robinson | Nov 12, 2012 | Leadership
A rainy Monday and a federal holiday means my husband has the day off work. Our daughters still had school, but I got a day off of carting kids around (nice!). Husband at home means there’s a roaring fire in the hearth and the house isn’t nearly as lonely...
by Becky Robinson | Oct 29, 2012 | Leadership
If you have followed my story, you might know that I started my online career in 2009 as a leadership blogger and social media marketing specialist for Mountain State University. During that time, I published nearly 300 posts on leadership topics. Over the next few...
by Becky Robinson | May 15, 2012 | Leadership
I have struggled in the past, feeling inadequate about my lack of resume-friendly leadership experience. My leadership experiences — up until recently — all of the volunteer variety: I helped my husband start and lead a church. I led small groups of women in Bible...
by Becky Robinson | Apr 29, 2012 | Leadership
We’d been married about four months when I made a big mistake. In graduate school, we ate pretty simply, on a monthly budget that would now do little more than fill my gas tank. Once. Still, I prided myself on preparing good meals, and I had a strong but perhaps...
by Becky Robinson | Nov 13, 2011 | Leadership
I’ve been doing laundry for myself since college and it’s always been a source of frustration for me. In college, I threw everything in together and washed it all on cold. Separating my clothes seemed too time-consuming. As a newlywed, I visited the...
by Becky Robinson | Jul 3, 2011 | Leadership
My youngest daughter is learning to swim. It’s still tricky, because she is not even close to being tall enough to stand with her head above the water. We watch her closely, hovering, and always one of us is close enough to reach her if she gets into trouble. At...