Leadership Development Carnival

Leadership Development Carnival

Today is the Leadership Development Carnival at Great Leadership. I have been contributing to the carnival since my first months at the other blog and this month is my first time to be featured with a post from Weaving influence.  Dan is an awesome guy, and his...
How Do You Respond to Change?

How Do You Respond to Change?

When we face major changes in life or work, we may have one of several reactions: We may resist. Dig in our heels, fight back, complain. Close our eyes and think that if we stay that way, we can keep things the way they were. We may be nostalgic about the previous...
Learning to be Positive

Learning to be Positive

Friday morning, I stopped by my daughters’ school to watch my oldest as she presented a PowerPoint to her class. All the kids prepared at least fifteen slides on a topic of their choice. Before they began, one of the teachers started a discussion about how they...
Staying Positive in Times of Change

Staying Positive in Times of Change

If you ask me where I’m from, you’ll hear me stumble for an answer. I moved a lot during my growing-up years. As an adult, I’ve managed to live seven years each in two zip codes, but I can’t claim either place as my hometown. I am just starting...
Resourcing the Troops

Resourcing the Troops

On February 27, 1991, President George H. W. Bush announced the end of the first Gulf war. A college sophomore, I gathered a few friends and drove to downtown Cincinnati – to Fountain Square – about an hour from campus. I wanted to celebrate. The city...
Use Everything

Use Everything

Here’s a few things about me that you may already know about me: I like to write. I enjoying making connections between people. For that reason, I love social media; just last night, my daughter told me she thinks I’m addicted to Facebook (no surprise...