Customer Focus

Customer Focus

Our local chain grocery store has a new initiative to cut waiting times in the check-out lines. Throughout the store, hanging posters feature photos (of real employees, presumably) proclaiming their commitment to faster customer service. At the front of the store,...
Perfect Weekend

Perfect Weekend

It was a perfect fall weekend – at least where I live. Crisp, cool mornings warmed into afternoon sunshine. Blue skies, fluffy clouds, color everywhere. Our woods are a palette of gold, yellow, orange, green, and brown. My husband completed the fall phase of our...
What Customers Want

What Customers Want

In my last post, I wrote that the easiest way to figure out what customers want is to start with what you want. The Golden Rule is a great starting place for leaders who want to improve their focus on customers. Use your own experiences as a customer to help you get...
We’re All Customers

We’re All Customers

We’re all customers. I am a customer of our local bank, our not-so-local mortgage company. As a parent, I am a customer of our daughter’s school. I’m a customer of our utility companies, our insurance company, our waste removal company, our...
Guest Post | Results Worth Measuring

Guest Post | Results Worth Measuring

Today’s guest post comes from Timothy Morris, who blogs at Intentional Influence. Tim is a former Marine, a husband, and a dad. He loves to travel and plans to start an online business, write, and speak about leadership topics. He has a Master’s degree in...
September Round-Up: A Leader Achieves Result

September Round-Up: A Leader Achieves Result

This month, we diverged a bit from our theme to begin a series about online learning resources, which we will continue in the weeks to come. Eventually, we will compile the posts from this new series into a white paper, which we hope will be a valuable resource to...