by Becky Robinson | Oct 20, 2010 | Leadership
Our local chain grocery store has a new initiative to cut waiting times in the check-out lines. Throughout the store, hanging posters feature photos (of real employees, presumably) proclaiming their commitment to faster customer service. At the front of the store,...
by Becky Robinson | Oct 18, 2010 | Leadership
It was a perfect fall weekend – at least where I live. Crisp, cool mornings warmed into afternoon sunshine. Blue skies, fluffy clouds, color everywhere. Our woods are a palette of gold, yellow, orange, green, and brown. My husband completed the fall phase of our...
by Becky Robinson | Oct 11, 2010 | Leadership
In my last post, I wrote that the easiest way to figure out what customers want is to start with what you want. The Golden Rule is a great starting place for leaders who want to improve their focus on customers. Use your own experiences as a customer to help you get...
by Becky Robinson | Oct 6, 2010 | Leadership
We’re all customers. I am a customer of our local bank, our not-so-local mortgage company. As a parent, I am a customer of our daughter’s school. I’m a customer of our utility companies, our insurance company, our waste removal company, our...
by Becky Robinson | Oct 2, 2010 | Leadership
Today’s guest post comes from Timothy Morris, who blogs at Intentional Influence. Tim is a former Marine, a husband, and a dad. He loves to travel and plans to start an online business, write, and speak about leadership topics. He has a Master’s degree in...
by Becky Robinson | Oct 1, 2010 | Leadership
This month, we diverged a bit from our theme to begin a series about online learning resources, which we will continue in the weeks to come. Eventually, we will compile the posts from this new series into a white paper, which we hope will be a valuable resource to...