Making Strangers Into Friends

Making Strangers Into Friends

Yesterday, I enjoyed a lovely lunch. 65 degrees and sunny. My friend, my daughters, and I ate outside to soak up the sun. Midway through our lunch, a woman dining alone sat down at the table next to us. We continued our conversation for awhile, and then she joined in...
Are Homogeneous Groups Better?

Are Homogeneous Groups Better?

During graduate school, I learned about the Homogeneous Unit Principle. Simply put, the theory states that people are most comfortable in groups of people like them. Robert Putnam’s book, Bowling Alone, reinforces the idea of the Homogeneous Unit Principle. His...
What Makes a Great Training Session

What Makes a Great Training Session

If you are a leader, you probably end up presenting training sessions or leading seminars from time to time, even if it is not a part of your formal job description. Last Wednesday, I drove to East Lansing, MI to attend part of Choices 2010. Mary Jo Asmus, an...
Try Something New?

Try Something New?

For years, my family joked that I only liked to eat macaroni and cheese or pizza. For years, it wasn’t far from the truth. Some things I wouldn’t eat: turnip greens, seafood. (I still don’t.) As I grew toward adulthood, I expanded my food choices...