A leader values and engages others.

One of the competencies that is most violated by leaders is valuing and engaging others. Too often we take our employees for granted. We see them only as someone to complete a task or check off a box. Valuing others begins with viewing others as whole people and treating them with consideration and respect. Effective leaders recognize that people are complex and multi-dimensional.

Valuing and engaging others starts when a leader gets to know people beyond job titles and responsibilities. They understand their strengths and weaknesses. They recognize what motivates their people. They say thank you!

As leaders get to know others, they express through daily interaction their belief that people have unlimited potential and inherent value. Leaders treat others in ways that recognize and affirm the uniqueness and possibility of each person. In other words, leaders appreciate and celebrate individual differences.

To engage employees or followers, leaders frame challenges in ways that enable others to act. Leaders give people room to use their gifts and express themselves freely, even if sometimes this means allowing them to fail. In this way, leaders influence and mobilize all members of the organization or group to action. As people take ownership, they immerse themselves in tasks and relationships that interest them and become engaged and invested in their work.

Leaders are most effective when they connect in genuine relationships with others. As they create a sense of belonging and teamwork in their followers, they foster commitment for shared goals. Beyond being committed to shared goals, engaged people value being members of organizations or groups whose purpose and values align with their own. Team members feel a sense of accomplishment and personal satisfaction as they work together to accomplish the goals of the group and fulfill the purpose of the organization.

This was originally posted at Mountain State University LeaderTalk and is re-posted with permission.