On the Outside

On the Outside

Barely out of college, my husband and I took jobs at the same non-profit. Part-time, while we finished grad school. The night of our interview, rain pounded on the windows of the boardroom. A flash of lightening, booming thunder, and the lights went out. We finished...
Valuing and Engaging the Whole Person

Valuing and Engaging the Whole Person

Before kids, I loved naps. In the years since my daughters were born, daytime rest has all but disappeared from my life. Because of that, I have fond memories of great naps from days gone by. Here’s one: when I was in college, a close friend and mentor cancelled...
Do you “FlyLady”?

Do you “FlyLady”?

In my quest to organize my life and home more effectively, I have tried a lot of different systems — some more successfully than others. One of my favorites is FlyLady. FlyLady breaks home maintenance into a system of “baby steps” and daily routines; she...
Resilience in Action | Major Keith Dotts

Resilience in Action | Major Keith Dotts

Meet Major Keith Dotts. Dotts enlisted in the army as a young man, entering basic training as a private. From those first days, as he watched the interaction of his superiors, he decided he wanted to rise in the ranks to become an officer someday. Seven years later,...


They stood, noses pressed to the glass, watching. A bit of shell fell off. The egg rolled around the incubator. Then it stilled. Little by little, a crack grew across the top of the egg. More bits of shell fell off. A minute or two passed with no movement. Several...


Who we are as leaders is most clear in the midst of crisis. Individuals who find success in life are the ones who are able to bounce back from difficulty, displaying resilience. Starting over when things go wrong is resilience. Turning mistakes into lessons is...