There’s No “I” in Leadership

There’s No “I” in Leadership

This post is a part of our 2016 Team Buzz Builder Guest Blogger Series. Today we are pleased to introduce you to Jim Lange, President of 5feet20. I feel like the most blessed person on Earth. The reason? I have the incredible privilege of leading monthly leadership...
The Power of Asking for Help

The Power of Asking for Help

One of the hardest parts about starting a new job is the sheer amount of information that needs to be learned. You ask questions – and a lot of them – just to wrap your head around all the procedures, expected behavior, chains of command, and contingency...
Do’s and Don’ts of Your Job Search

Do’s and Don’ts of Your Job Search

Let’s face it. Being an adult can be overwhelming. Especially after going to school for more than 15 years. What can you do to prepare for that readjustment post-college? How can you make it as stress free as possible? What can you do to secure a job after you finally...
Turning Service Around (And a Giveaway!)

Turning Service Around (And a Giveaway!)

Everyone reading this probably has several stories of good and bad experiences with restaurants. I recently spent fifteen minutes parked, waiting for my “drive-through” food. Delays and mistakes happen, but sometimes it feels as though the staff feels no...
Finding the Right Words

Finding the Right Words

I have always loved language. From a young age, I related to the world—and to myself—primarily through words. Whether that meant cuddling up for hours at a time with one of the many Little House on the Prairie Books or, as I grew older, sneaking out of bed to write in...