I am happy to announce a new initiative of Weaving Influence, #booklaunchchat.
We’re going to try our first ever company hosted tweetchat on Monday, January 21 at 8 pm ET in celebration of the launch of Linda Freeman’s book, THRIVE!
The evening’s chat will focus on Linda’s book, as a part of her week long book launch celebration. I’ll host, and Linda will be tweeting as my co-host, sharing her wisdom on what it means to thrive and how we can thrive in our lives through daily spiritual disciplines.
If you have not participated in a tweetchat before, I encourage you to try this one.
Here’s how it works:
Login to tweetchat.com with the hashtag #booklaunchchat at 8 pm ET on Monday evening.
Throughout the evening, I’ll post questions using Q1, Q2, etc. To answer, indicate your answers by using A1, A2, etc. Retweets make a tweetchat more fun. Be encouraging to others by commenting on their answers.
Tweetchats are a great way to make new connections, to learn from others, and to share your wisdom with others.
I hope you’ll join us. I hope this will be a valuable experience for Linda. If it is, we will highlight other authors in this tweetchat. Not sure if we will host a monthly chat, a quarterly chat, a weekly chat, or an as-needed chat to coincide with book launches.
Would love your feedback as the team at Weaving Influence and I are always seeking new ways to add value for our clients and our community.
Tell me something! Do you tweetchat? Would you enjoy participating in tweetchats to learn from authors? How often would you like to see us host tweetchats? What type of books would you enjoy seeing highlighted?

I am the founder/CEO of the Weaving Influence team, the author of Reach: Creating the Biggest Possible Audience for Your Message, Book, or Cause, and the host of the Book Marketing Action Podcast. I’m a wife and mom of three kids, and I enjoy running, reading, writing, coffee, and dark chocolate.
I’ll be on!
This book looks like a MUST HAVE. Is it possible to journal in the e-edition, or would it be prudent to stick with the old standby, paper? Mary Helen B