I don’t know about you, but it feels like summer is now in full swing! Our team has travel fever, and we’re all scattering to various parts of the country and the world. This week Becky has been on vacation with her family (with a quick visit to see Chip Bell), while our head PR gal, Megan, and her husband are winging their way to Europe for a final hurrah before their first child arrives. Others are planning for trips to Disney World and Aruba, and my own suitcases are currently waiting for me to pack for our vacation that starts tomorrow.
It’s always fun to go somewhere you haven’t been to before (as I am doing, and hitting my 47th U.S. state in the process), and get to know new people. And while not everyone can escape from their desk or go somewhere tropical, everyone can learn something new (and maybe meet some new people) by clicking on the links below. So take a virtual vacation and visit a new online destination this week!
- Bob Thompson (follow him on Twitter @Bob_Thompson) was interviewed in an article on CNBC this week, read Quality service, not low prices, creates loyalty.
- Karin Hurt (on Twitter @LetsGrowLeaders) showed up on Fox Business, talking about ways to deal with a difficult boss. Read more.
- Speaking of Chip Bell (find him tweeting @ChipRBell), don’t miss his most recent post, The Mentor’s Role as Champion Grower.
- School may be out, but Dean Schroeder (@DeanMSchroeder on Twitter) reminds us that it’s important to Begin with a Plan to Learn.
- Bob Tiede (on Twitter @BobTiede) shares a guest post from David M. Dye (find him tweeting @davidmdye) asking an important question: Can Your Team Really Trust You?
- We think you’ll love this post from Susan Mazza (on Twitter @SusanMazza): Mindless vs. Mindful Generosity.
- If you didn’t catch What To Do When There’s Nothing You Can Do from Mark Miller (tweeting @LeadersServe), you have missed out. This one touched our whole team.
- You may not know this, but I’m big on gratitude and thankfulness, which is why I think you should read The Untapped Goldmine of Gratitude by Gershon Mader (follow on Twitter @GershonMader).
- Deborah Mills-Scofield says we should not let Probable Trump Possible in her new post. (Follow @dscofield).
- And if you want to find more links to great business and leadership articles, check out this post by Wally Bock (on Twitter @wallybock), and then spend some time looking around his newly redesigned website!
What great links would you like to share with us? Or just leave a comment to share about your vacation plans!

Carrie leads proofreading and editing, ensuring all messages are clearly communicated to the intended audience, whether through a website, social media, book, blog, newsletter, or ebook. She’s also our in-house Goodreads librarian and is happiest working behind the scenes to make others shine.
Well done!