When Becky Robinson started Weaving Influence in 2012, she had a vision for using social media to promote authors and thought leaders. As she grew the team of contractors (you can read her post from earlier this week to see how I joined up), her vision also grew – eventually including in-house graphic design, web development, and public relations.
Last summer Megan Constantino joined the team as our first Public Relations specialist, moving quickly to bring first class PR support to our existing clients. She likes to describe herself as “scrappy” when it comes to putting our clients in front of the media – both local and national, and over the last year she has worked diligently to build media connections and relationships with top tier media outlets.
One of Megan’s proudest achievements is landing regular posting opportunities for Chip Bell at Entrepreneur, something that she credits as much to Chip’s responsiveness as she does to her own tenacity.
“Building on what Becky is famous for saying, I think the magic happens in every realm when clients show up, but this is particularly true in PR.”
Megan says that in her experience, there is nothing more appealing to media outlets than a fresh piece of writing, even if it’s just a short 3-5 sentence paragraph. After securing Entrepreneur for Chip, she went to work on behalf of Karin Hurt, successfully cold calling Forbes for an interview based on Karin’s new book, and landing Karin her own stand-alone article with Entrepreneur.
“I feel like Chip and Karin work harder than I do on PR! They respond in real time, meeting the PR team halfway, and have experienced great success because they can speak on a variety of sub-topics under their umbrella of expertise.”
In February of this year, Ashleigh Tweedie joined the team, doubling the size of our PR department. Ashleigh majored in public relations and says she really appreciates the opportunity to not only put her degree to work, but to do it under the guidance and mentoring of a seasoned professional like Megan. Calling Megan her “role model”, Ashleigh has already landed plenty of press during her short tenure with Weaving Influence.
She lists working with clients and landing opportunities as her favorite parts of the job, and Ashleigh’s enthusiasm for her work is obvious.
“Every single PR strategy is personalized for the client. We find what works best for them and then move forward from there. Even though it might look completely different than the strategies Chip or Karin use, we know that success is finding the sweet spot for the individual client and landing media that will help them reach their goals.”
Highlighting the fact that every PR plan is unique, Ashleigh enjoys talking to the clients, figuring out what they need, what they want, and then how we can achieve that for them. She shared that flexibility is one of the keys to the Weaving Influence public relations success, and notes that finding common ground is important when working with our clients. Not everyone will fit with every media outlet, but her goal isn’t to connect with every outlet, just to find an “in” with the outlet that will work the best for the client’s overall strategy. That would be what we would call a “win”.
Planning a book launch for Fall 2014 or Spring 2015? We’d love to connect with you and explore how our full-service book launch team can be a part of helping you reach success. Contact us today!

Carrie leads proofreading and editing, ensuring all messages are clearly communicated to the intended audience, whether through a website, social media, book, blog, newsletter, or ebook. She’s also our in-house Goodreads librarian and is happiest working behind the scenes to make others shine.
Your team is a joy to work with. Adding PR to the mix has been so much fun. It keeps my day full of happy surprises.
Karin, it has always been fun to work with you. I’m thrilled to see so much PR success coming your way now!
It is truly an honor to partner with such an extraordinary team. They are driven to bring dedication, creativity, professionalism and deep experience to influencing the marketplace on my behalf. And, they are fun to work with. When a radio show host or blog editor says, “Don’t you just LOVE working with Megan” you get why this team can have so much repeat success with the heavy PR hitters and power bloggers.
Chip, you keep a smile on the faces of every team member who gets to work with you. 🙂
Wow! Great article, Carrie. I am so honored by the post and the comments. Thank you for the kind words. What Becky has established with Weaving Influence is such a blessing to all involved. I am able to do exactly what I love, serving world class clients (YOU), and with a support system that most will see when they dream at night. Please know that we pour our hearts and souls in it every day. It is our honor to serve you and we remember that by giving each task our very best! Your success is the measure of my success. Now I better get back to work huh? Again, thank you so much.