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This week, I’m excited to share Featured on Friday – with a twist! It’s an honor to introduce you to one of the talented members of the Weaving Influence team. As I mentioned last week, we’re scattered across the country, covering three time zones and multiple states. Most of us have never met in person, relying solely on Go To Meeting, Google Hangouts, Basecamp, email, and secret Facebook groups to get to know one another.
Earlier this week, I interviewed one of our newest contractors to find out a little more about her. I know some of her answers surprised me, and quite a few of them made me laugh. You just never know what you’re going to discover once you dig a little deeper. With that, I invite you to get to know Megan Constantino…
Tell us a little bit about yourself, Megan…
I am a native and current resident of Beckley, WV. I am passionate about marketing, communications, and serving clients. My professional background spans from retail jewelry sales, retail management, to ultimately my love: public relations and marketing. My husband Frank and I love to travel, learn together, pamper our fur children, and work up a sweat at the gym or on a good running trail.
How long have you been working with Weaving Influence?
I have been with Weaving Influence (WI) now for a little over a month full time. I have always been looking for a company like WI. I pinch myself daily to make sure this isn’t a dream.
What’s your favorite aspect of working with Weaving Influence?
My favorite part of working for WI is ultimately the support factor. I feel the support from Becky, the team, and the clients. What an amazing group of people. We are so blessed to work with one another and serve such awesome clients. The clients truly are rock stars.
What’s your official Weaving Influence job title?
Public Relations Director
What’s your favorite pastime?
Traveling to new places. I have set foot on the soil of 25 countries to date. Looking forward to more. China may just be next.
What’s the best social media tip you can offer?
My tip comes from a personal angle: Stop and think before sharing personal information online as you would anywhere else. We (as a society) tend to be a bit relaxed on the content we share. While I am all for being yourself (see my Facebook page), I am a firm believer that you should always have parameters set up for yourself in regards to your sharing practices. You want to provide a positive reflection of yourself, family, friends, and those that are in your circles. It is no different online.
Tell us something unusual about yourself!
I love to dance. I have always loved it, but last year a fire sparked within me as I participated in our local United Way’s “Dancing with the Stars” fundraising event. My partner, Richard Jarrell, and I danced to Danger Zone with a Top Gun (movie) theme. Though we didn’t win, we had a ball! Monte Durham- host of “Say Yes to the Dress” was one of the judges.
Connect with Megan on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Share Your Thoughts! How many countries have you visited – can you top her number?

Carrie leads proofreading and editing, ensuring all messages are clearly communicated to the intended audience, whether through a website, social media, book, blog, newsletter, or ebook. She’s also our in-house Goodreads librarian and is happiest working behind the scenes to make others shine.