It’s just a few days before Christmas. A few weeks ago, Aubrey, my colleague, discovered a Christmas blog post I wrote in 2010. She thought it would be fun for me to compare and contrast my life over the last decade.
In 2010, I had not yet launched my business; I started Weaving Influence in 2012, so the blog predates the company. The journey of launching and growing my business is radically different from the work I enjoyed before the start of my business. Not sure which growth is more profound, the growth of a business or ten years in the life of kids as they grow up: from 9, 6, and nearly 4, to 19, 16, and nearly 14.
From 2010:
It’s the night before Christmas Eve. Throughout this season, I have been reflecting on how different my life is this year than last: I am living in a new home, a new state; I started a new job with a new team; I am writing this new blog.
Christmas 2010 and I still sit outside my daughters’ bedroom while they fall asleep. Our hallway is carpeted here, and bedtime finds me leaning against the wall, working, with my netbook on my lap.
And from 2009:
I have a new favorite place to write. It’s an odd place, not the most comfortable spot in the house. I’ve adopted this spot, though, because my youngest daughter is learning how to fall asleep on her own.
As long as I am sitting nearby, she will lie quietly in her bed and eventually go to sleep. So, here I sit, on the hardwood floor, leaned against the wall outside my daughters’ bedroom, and use the stolen minutes to catch up on my work.
Back in 2020, I’m sitting in the dark, in my basement. My dog is in the crate nearby and my nineteen-year-old is sleeping. It’s morning. I’m sitting vigil again, for nearly opposite reasons than ten years ago at Christmas.
I’m sitting so the dog will be quiet while renovations happen upstairs, so my oldest can stay sleeping. Instead of waiting for a child to sleep, I’m waiting for a child to wake up.
I’m in a different home, in yet a new spot, reflecting on the years between then and now.
So many things have been different in 2020 than in the intervening years. We’ve adapted to work from home, after years in an office; my kids have adapted to school at home, with Zoom calls and independent work. My oldest lived in a dorm for a few months, only to return home for the rest of the year.
In 2009 and 2010, I marveled at the reach of my blog’s words around the globe. In the intervening years, Weaving Influence has continued to reach around the world and I love the regular interaction with people who attend our webinars and receive our emails. How amazing that the chance to build connections worldwide could begin with a few strokes on a keyboard.
Words from 2010 but for now, as well:
It’s an awesome honor to type these words here and to know that they will reach you where you are. Thank you for the privilege of sharing community here together.
I am overwhelmed with gratefulness for each of you. You have been incredibly supportive and encouraging during this journey. I wish you every joy and blessing in your lives this Christmas and in the New Year.

I am the founder/CEO of the Weaving Influence team, the author of Reach: Creating the Biggest Possible Audience for Your Message, Book, or Cause, and the host of the Book Marketing Action Podcast. I’m a wife and mom of three kids, and I enjoy running, reading, writing, coffee, and dark chocolate.