Partnership — noun part·​ner·​ship | ˈpärt-nər-ˌship
also ˈpärd : the state of being a partner : PARTICIPATION

At Weaving Influence, one of our core values — partnership — is what makes this whole remote working gig possible. I spend many of my working hours in video “meetings” where we are partnering on client work, there are several group “pings” that feel as though we’re in a conference room bouncing ideas off one another, and then we have our illustrious “campfire chats” where there are endless numbers of GIF’s that provide a mid-day chuckle. 

“Don’t you get lonely?” “Is it hard to stay focused?” “Wouldn’t an office be easier?”

These are the questions I am often asked when I tell people what I do and where I do it. To all of them, I say a resounding, “not at all.” You see, Weaving Influence is a company with many remote employees. I’ve never even met my boss in person! But, we are also a team of people who are encouraged and coached often. We sometimes have to learn difficult lessons, but because we have core values that we try to live each and every day, we are able to work collaboratively and effectively — with the same end goal in mind — how to best serve each other and our clients.

Jonathan Farrington of Project Smart writes: Involving people on broad issues is motivational. Never underestimate people. Their views can enhance everything: methods, standards, processes and overall effectiveness.”

This is true of not only the work we do for our clients, but it’s imperative in the work we do on ourselves. We are always working to ensure workload is evenly distributed, what can we learn from a project or client, and what are some key takeaways we can hold onto.

I find so much value in all of the core values at Weaving Influence, but particularly in this one.

As a mom, life and the endless to-do list sometimes becomes a bit overwhelming. You feel like you have to do it all, be it all, and hold it all together. You are the rock of your kids’ world, and if the rock shifts or is unstable, it could all come crumbling down.  Knowing that I have partners at work has allowed me to see the value in partnership in my personal life. I’ve started asking for help more often, started delegating tasks to my kids more, and have even started scheduling more dates with my husband.

Living and working in partnership requires thoughtful effort, so at Weaving Influence we like to always remember: Work with and because of our clients. Co-own their goals and success, just as we share in colleagues’ wins.”

We are in this as partners!