For nearly six decades, Outward Bound USA’s education programs have shaped the lives of tens of thousands of participants. Strangers are put in an unfamiliar and unpredictable setting, where to succeed they must develop a sense of teamwork, resilience, self-confidence, and a focus on the greater good. But isn’t the modern world just as unpredictable and challenging as any mountain or desert?
Mark Brown, author of Outward Bound Lessons to Live a Life of Leadership, explores the concept of Expeditionary Leadership through the stories of people such as third-generation business steward Laura Kohler, the Home Depot cofounder Arthur Blank, and former United States Senator Mark Udall, whose lives were touched by Outward Bound and who then went on to make a positive difference in the world. He shows how each of us can, in our own way, use the Outward Bound philosophy to bravely face the wild unknowns in our daily lives.
Watch below to learn how the principles that bind people together in the natural world work just as well in cities, companies, and communities. Explore how a leader’s growth and learning habits are reflected in their organization, and discover why expeditionary leadership is an excellent tool to use whether you are an entrepreneur or launching a company.
If you found this video helpful, you might also enjoy our upcoming webinar with Rich Brandt from RDR Group, as he explores how to become more resilient in work and life by taking ownership, regulating emotions, remaining optimistic, and leaning on others.
Most of us have hectic, stressful, high-pressure jobs. How do we keep from letting it get to us or burn us out? How do some people handle those challenges with confidence, poise, and grace? Join us on November 21 at 1 PM (ET) to discover the secret to overcoming obstacles and quickly adapting to change. Learn more and register here.

Elizabeth Johnson loves the color yellow, strong {black} coffee, editing, and exploring the mountains in rural Wyoming and Utah, where she and her husband serve as church planters. In her free time, she enjoys learning new things, hand-lettering and acrylic painting, and gaming with her husband.