My daughter Cami is a voracious reader. At any given time, I’ll walk around the house and find a half dozen or more books open, face down, holding her place.
She reads books and rereads them: library books, books borrowed from her teacher, and books from her own extensive collection.
This morning, she read me this quote from Joseph Campbell (found on the pages of a tween novel):
If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it’s not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take. That’s why it’s your path.
The message resonated with me on several levels.
I’ve been thinking, lately, that this path I’m on is not linear — not at all. If you have been following me closely, you’ll know that I’ve done a bit of wandering lately. I wandered away from this blog to a new business venture and back again.
Here is what I have been learning: Weaving Influence captures who I am and what I want to offer through my business.
I still love the idea of 12 Minute Media and the playbooks I’ve been creating; I will soon reopen and return to offering products through that brand.
12 Minute Media is a brand and products; Weaving Influence is my calling.
What is Weaving Influence? The current tagline works well for how Weaving Influence is expressed in my life. I want to find everyday ways to make a difference as I connect with, care about, and share what I know with others.
As a company, Weaving Influence is about helping people use social media to increase their influence online. I’m working on a new tagline, and new pages on this site will explain the services that the Weaving Influence team offers.
I can’t see the path laid out in front of me but my vision is clearer. I am finding my way, discovering my path. And I’ll share it with you as we travel together.
Tell me something! How has wandering brought you to where you truly belong? What are you discovering about your path?
photo credit tonythemisfit

I am the founder/CEO of the Weaving Influence team, the author of Reach: Creating the Biggest Possible Audience for Your Message, Book, or Cause, and the host of the Book Marketing Action Podcast. I’m a wife and mom of three kids, and I enjoy running, reading, writing, coffee, and dark chocolate.
Thanks for sharing this, Becky.
I’m enjoying the adventure. If it were linear, it wouldn’t be fun, challenging, or even rewarding. But as it winds, turns, and loopty-loops, I find it ever more interesting and influential.
Gonna keep following you.
Thank you, Daphne! I am a follower and admirer of yours as well!
What a powerful quote! I like to travel a path less laid out as well. It isn’t easy. but you know what…neither is following the path. There’s sacrifice no matter which path you choose. Congrats on following the one that is right for YOU.
Thanks, Mary-Lynn. I’d love to hear about how your wanderings got you to where you are today.
Becky, keep on moving. By default you are creating your way as if you stop and look behind you, you will see the path you have created. There is no map, and that’s what makes the journey exciting. That is also why you know there is no right or wrong path, but only one that works for you. Having the vision as you do is what is important.
Well, maybe that explains why I’ve have a hard time keeping up with you lately . . . you’re wandering a bit. But I’m determined to follow you because you offer value and truth and also practical advice.
I know at times it may feel scattered … as if you’re wandering … but maybe it’s just that your path is, um, broader than others (in a good way. Don’t get tripped up on the whole “narrow road” concept.) It’s the “too whom much is given, much is expected” concept.
That’s good, right?
You have “business savvy” to share.
And you have “heart to heart” truths to share too.
Both are needed.
Weaving influence & 12MinuteMedia … both work. It just may require more work …
Which gets me to answering your question: What have I discovered about my path? Some of it looks like others’ paths … we’re heading in the same direction. But some of it, as your daughter pointed out, is mine and mine alone.
I’ve done a bit of wandering myself. One of the great quotes I keep coming back to is: “Not all who wander are lost.” J.R.R. Tolkien
As I share in Leadership Challenge Workshops, the root of the word “lead” means “to go, to guide, to travel.” So the very essence of being a leader means being on a journey, with roadblocks, u-turns, and detours. Our values serve as our guideposts, our internal compass and helps us stay pointed to our own True North. Sometimes where we think we’re heading isn’t the destination we thought it was going to be.
Having travel buddies can keep us company along the way. =)
I love that one, Angie. Thank you for being such a great sister friend and sharing this journey with me. I love having you as a witness to all my twists and turns.
Thank Cami for uncovering a thought provoking quote. I’ll be dwelling on it for a bit.
It’s good you found your way back to your calling. We need good thinkers and writers and good leaders like you. And soon, we will add presenter.
I will thank her, Paul, for sure.
Thank you for your incredible and ongoing support and encouragement in my life. I’m looking forward to seeing you in March!
Great article Becky.
When my son was about 15 I was talking to him about choices and I said “You always have choices. Some choices move you along on your journey and some choices hold you back.”
He thought for a moment and then said, “We have free will to make our choices right?”
I replied affirmatively and he thought for a little longer.
Then he said, “Well it would seem to me that if we have free will each of our choices create our journey.”
I thought that was so wise.
Of often we think we have one path and that our choices either cause us detours, but I now agree with him. Every choice we have ever made has brought us to exactly where we are right now. That exact set of choices has created our magnificent journey.
Thanks for sharing your gifts and talents with the rest of us.
My pleasure. Thanks for the great story about your son. I look forward to getting to know you more. Welcome to the community at Weaving Influence.