By the time you read this blog post, I hope to be celebrating the successful completion of the IMT Des Moines Half Marathon with my friend Angie Chaplin, in support of Team Thomas.
But there’s another reason to celebrate. This is the 100th blog post for LeaderTalk. Both accomplishments have required hard work and have stretched me to the limit at times.
Here are a few are a few lessons from the journey.
A Strong Team is Essential.
In developing LeaderTalk beginning in April 2009, I have been supported in countless ways by the team at Mountain State University. Both the faculty members of the School of Leadership and Professional Development, and the writers and other creative staff in MSU’s marketing department have contributed to this blog’s success. Even though I live 500 miles away from the campus in Beckley, we work so closely together that I feel like my office is just down the hall.
The leadership blogging community has also welcomed me and LeaderTalk warmly. It started with Dan McCarthy, who gave us LeaderTalk’s first big break into the leadership blogging world, and spread to Steve Roesler and Mary Jo Asmus who also graciously gave me the opportunity to guest post on their sites. The list of others who have given help and encouragement along the way with retweets, phone conversations, and emails, is long: Art Petty, Tanmay Vora, Mike Henry Sr., Wally Bock, Paul McConaughy, Erin Schreyer, Jennifer V. Miller, and more. I am so blessed to be part of such a strong leadership community.
I have a strong team encouraging me with running, too, including my husband, who joins me on long runs when he can, and Angie Chaplin, Lisa Rosendahl, and Sam Newton who encourage me and cheer me on via Twitter.
Discipline is critical.
Typically, we post at LeaderTalk three times per week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. There is both a rhythm and routine to regular writing. The same is true for running. In training for the half marathon, I have included three runs each week in my schedule. But none of it would get done without self discipline.
Each day brings unexpected joys and surprises.
One of the best surprises for LeaderTalk so far came when we were included in a list of Best Leadership Blogs 2009 contest. After only a few months on the scene, we were pleased and encouraged by all the support and encouragement from our readers. The contest gave LeaderTalk much-needed exposure and increased our reader base.
One of my joys in running is the incredible stream of creative thoughts that overflows whenever I turn on my treadmill. I do some of my best thinking in our basement workout room during runs.
This is just the beginning — and I have a long way to go.
Today was not my first road race, and it won’t be my last. For me, part of living a healthy lifestyle is running, and nothing motivates me more to stay focused with my training than signing up for a road race.
After only six months and now 100 blog posts, the LeaderTalk blog is on its way as well, but there is no finish line in this journey. The conversation we are creating here is just starting. As we continue to provide helpful, interesting, and regular content here, we hope to expand our influence even further with more readers and subscribers every week.
To help me celebrate today, please leave a comment. Tell me how you found LeaderTalk, or tell me the post you’ve read here that you enjoyed most. Share about a topic you’d like to see during the next 100 posts or introduce yourself to our readers. Help me reach the goal of 100 unique commenters on my 100th post.
If you are new to LeaderTalk, spend some time reading through the archives. If you haven’t subscribed yet, make today the day: sign up to receive updates via RSS feed or email subscription.
This was originally posted at Mountain State University LeaderTalk and is re-posted with permission.Â

I am the founder/CEO of the Weaving Influence team, the author of Reach: Creating the Biggest Possible Audience for Your Message, Book, or Cause, and the host of the Book Marketing Action Podcast. I’m a wife and mom of three kids, and I enjoy running, reading, writing, coffee, and dark chocolate.
GO GO BECKY! Congrats on the race and on post #100. It’s such a joy to have the chance to work with you and see first hand all that you’re accomplishing. Here’s to the next race and the next 100 posts!
Congratulations Becky! Aren’t goals wonderful ways to mark progress? Of course, when you reach one you have to set a new one. I doubt that will be a problem based on what you’ve acknowledged in this post.
Keep on! Paul
Becky –
It has been a treat to reconnect with you after a number of years. It has also been very exciting to see you grow in your writing. You always seem to find a way to share a little piece of your world in your blogs about leadership. That’s what makes you successful…sharing a piece of yourself.
Congratulations on the 100th post and the race!
What a celebration you are having (and deserve). Thank you for the mention in your post, for your friendship, and here’s to the next 100!
(By the way, you are showing real leadership in celebrating successes. It is something I find missing from so many leaders’ toolkits).
Congrats on the race today and thank you for the mention in your post. I can’t recall how I first found LeaderTalk but know it was on Twitter. There must have been a joint connection along the way that introduced me to you, to your blog and your wonderful group of leadership, well, leaders!
It’s an honor and a joy to have shared today’s accomplishment with you. And to think it all started on Twitter… now THAT’S the power of social media.
Congratulations Becky, both for a successful race and completing 100 posts! Thank you also for a kind mention on your blog. I have enjoyed our conversations via blog, twitter and phone. I particularly liked the series on “Perseverance” where I was able to contribute via a guest post. It was so much fun!
Here’s to another 100 posts and many meaningful conversations!
Congrats on EVERYTHING! You are an inspiration to so many (including me). Here’s to the second 100.. and the third and fourth and fifth….
Kevin 🙂
Congratulations, Becky!
Of course, you know what I’m about to say….WOO HOO!!! 100 posts – that’s HUGE, Becky!! Congratulations, and thank you for sharing your perspectives with us each week. We’re all better for it!!
Thanks for being an inspiration to those of us who are on a similar journey! And thanks for making a difference.
Congrats on achieving both milestones Becky! I discovered you and your blog recently via many of the people you acknowledged in your post on twitter. Looking forward to the next 100 posts and getting to know you better.
Congratulations, Becky! Thanks for the difference you make!
Congratulations Becky!!! Would you consider doing a full marathon with your 200th post?
Applause to you on your 100th ‘strong’ post — and since April! Woo!
And applause to you on training for and running a half-marathon. Woo!
And fortunate for all of us that there will be more great Twitter posts from @LeaderTalk and blog posts on
Thanks very much. And… congratulations.
Becky, huge congrats on the post and the half-marathon for a very good cause.
I hope folks will pay attention to your Lesson #2: Discipline.
Successful blogging requires the same kind of focus and self-discipline as any other endeavor. For those who want to follow in your leadership footsteps, #2 isn’t negotiable.
By the smiles on your faces… we appear to be looking at the 1st and 2nd place finishers of the race. “Great job” to the both of you.
Becky, you found me on twitter the second day I had my account. And, I’ve been blessed ever since with not only your writings, but the writings of those you champion.
Thanks much!!!
Congratulations, and thanks for providing valuable posts and tweets each day.
Dear LeaderTalk:
Congratulations. Keep the blog coming! It is filled with great information and is a tremendous source of encouragement!
Randy Seitz
Congratulations, Becky. Please keep sending those zestful posts and tweets.
Congrats, Becky. You’re doing great on both the blog and the physical fitness. Keep it up!
Congratulations on all accounts, Becky and many, many more posts and marathons! -Art
Congratulations, Becky, on reaching this major milestone in the blogging process. And you’re absolutely right that this represents only the beginning.
Best wishes for an inspiring, challenging and engaging route on reaching the next hundred.
Congratulations, Becky! You have a lot to smile about. I so admire your accomplishments (both of them)
I look forward to reading more! -Gwyn
Becky –
Congratulations! Those are awesome accomplishments. I’ve enjoyed collaborating with you and getting to know you.
Becky, what an awesome blog. You’re an inspiration to read and keep me motivated to press on in my own blogging work, when I often feel I’m working in obscurity and haven’t enough time to get it all done!
Greetings Becky. Congratulations on your completion of the marathon and blog #100! They stand as testimonies to your bright and beautifully strong character. Keep up the GREAT work!
Congratulations – thanks for making me both smile and think!
Becky, I love your blog! You are such an inspiration to me with everything you do. You really amaze me!
Congrats and wonderful job with the blog!
Congrats! You are an inspiration.
100 posts! Way to go.
congratulations Becky. keep em comin, I enjoy reading them.
Congratulations on this run. One of many runs you have completed…I especially remember the race in Va. Beach….Wow, cold day, beautiful sunshine and such fun with your two girls at that time. Now we have three girls to love.
You never cease to amaze me with all you have accomplished. Much Love, Mom
Congratulations! One-hundred posts is quite the milestone! I’ll have to take some time and read through the archives.
And congrats on the race too! The discipline that that takes is amazing to me.