You are not a failure.
Those voices in your head are vicious — I know, because I have battled them myself.
The whispers of self-doubt, the feelings of not measuring up, the belief that you can never do enough.
They’re lies.
The truth is this: you are enough. Your worth is not measured by your accomplishments nor is it diminished by mistakes. Your worth is something that never changes because it is based on who you are, not what you do.
You are enough.
You are not a failure.
It is not your job to live up to others’ expectations or to live by their standards.
If you live your life for the approval of others, you will constantly feel empty and disappointed because it is not possible to please everyone. That need for approval, it’s never satiated.
You are called to live each day to bring the best of what you have to those around you. If bringing your best allows you to meet someone’s expectations, it’s a beautiful bonus.
We do our best work out of love, not obligation.
When the praise comes, enjoy it. Bask in it, even. But do so with a recognition that those words of praise do not encompass your true and unchanging worth.
I am writing to myself, today, as this is a daily battle, but I am writing to you, too — because I want you to feel successful.
You are successful. You are enough.

I am the founder/CEO of the Weaving Influence team, the author of Reach: Creating the Biggest Possible Audience for Your Message, Book, or Cause, and the host of the Book Marketing Action Podcast. I’m a wife and mom of three kids, and I enjoy running, reading, writing, coffee, and dark chocolate.
Beautiful words and I completely agree with everything you’ve written. Thanks!
Thanks for taking the time to comment. I’m glad the post resonated with you!
Beautiful truth, Becky. Thanks for sharing.
I appreciate the way you pour out truth and encouragement regularly, Erin. Glad to share some with you, as well!
I hear same whispers and voices Becky. Great post. Dave
Don’t we all, David?
Beautiful Becky. Those voices can clamor so loud in our head. Thank you for the reminder that I just have to be the best that I can be today. That’s all. Be myself because that’s all I am.
Who you are is very special! Keep being you!
Becky – wonderful post! As human beings we are all “enough” – it’s our everyday actions that we can strive to improve. Thanks for the lovely reminder.
Thanks , Jennifer — and thanks for sharing my post on Facebook!
Nice post Becky. Clean and clear. Enough!
Thank you, Bill! You are enough!
Thanks Becky. This is so true. Well done. Thanks for the reminder. Mike…
Glad to share. It’s a reminder I need, also. Thanks for the many ways you help me remember important truth!
You may fail, and it’s guaranteed that you WILL fail at something. But, that doesn’t make YOU a failure. I have learned more from failure than I ever did from success. Thanks for your wise words, Becky.
Becky, thanks for an awesome and uplifting post!! Managing the voices (our self talk) is the crux of emotional intelligence.
Dan Forbes…thanks for reminding us that failing does not make us a failure. Most of the people we praise for innovation and success had more failures than we realize. Sometimes we forget that the path to success will have hills and valleys.
Great BLog! Sending this to my daughter! Thanks for the inspiring words.
Becky!!! I love this post! You are so not alone… I think high achievers suffer from “the voice in the head”.
Two great books that have helped me reduce doubt and negativity – “The Fifth Agreement” by Don Miguel Ruiz and his son Don Jose Ruiz… AND! “The Art of Possibility” by Ben Zander.
I so appreciate having you in my life, Becky! Your energy is infectious…
Keep rockin’!
Everyone feels a failure in their lives at one time or another.
Everyone feels they could do better and should be better one time or another.
But its what you do with those feeling, those emotions that make the big difference.
Life is about the dark days and the light days.
Expressing your feelings are good but doing something about your feelings is better.
I love you Becky, I believe in what you are doing. Trust your heart!
For failure has no room for a pure heart.
Thank you, Becky!