Developing others’ capacity involves providing exposure, opportunity, and challenge.
In order to grow, people need exposure; they need to be exposed to new ideas, new relationships, new environments, new technology, new ways of doing things. A leader’s role is to introduce others to new worlds, expanding their experiences and providing the tools they need to develop their capacity.
People need opportunity in order to develop their skills and abilities, to turn exposure to new ideas and relationships into action and practice.
Leaders who give others opportunity give more than just a one time experience. Opportunity helps people discover new abilities, develop strengths, and re-ignite latent ability.
By providing opportunity in the present, leaders help a person develop abilities that unlock future opportunities.
To be truly effective, leaders provide opportunities that challenge people beyond their current capacity. Challenges help people stretch and grow while giving them confidence.
Leaders who provide exposure, opportunity, and challenge help others develop their capacity.
Join the conversation:
How do you challenge others? What opportunities can you provide? In what ways do you expose others to new worlds?
Of the three components leaders provide to develop others, which do you find the most difficult?
This was originally posted at Mountain State University LeaderTalk and is re-posted with permission.

I am the founder/CEO of the Weaving Influence team, the author of Reach: Creating the Biggest Possible Audience for Your Message, Book, or Cause, and the host of the Book Marketing Action Podcast. I’m a wife and mom of three kids, and I enjoy running, reading, writing, coffee, and dark chocolate.
I have been working to be more intentional in developing others and instead of “throwing” opportunities someone’s way, I am looking to see what areas they could develop in and then tailor projects, leadership roles, tasks to them that support that, with an explanation why.
Taking a project you are given and doing it vs taking on a project you are given to learn and grow from it is a thin and fine distinction that I find some don’t grasp readily – and changing that is my challenge.
Kind of like the baby ready for its first step, if you put your hands too close, it falls on its butt, and if you sit across the room with your hands out, it does nothing. If you see that they’re ready for the step and hold your hands at the “just right” distance, the first step is as spontaneous and natural as can be! The hands represent “exposure, opportunity, and challenge” if they recognize and properly gauge the readiness. Encouraging human growth & potential is a lot like this whether we’re parents, coaches, or leaders. Great post Becky!
It seems that I challenge and provide growth opportunities by my actions and behaviors: showing others how I offer and ask for feedback.
In difficult moments people need role models. People see opportunities to grow by witnessing action and genuine communication. Little tiny seeds are planted showing them that they can do this too.
I strongly believe that people are more confident to emulate when a leader shows respect, trust, and exhibits character-based behavior.
Dorothy of Oz is my role model for developing others. See they have what they most want and need – a heart, a brain, courage. Then take them along a journey that provides opportunities and challenges them to summon talents they don’t realize they have.
Thanks for posting Becky.
I think providing the opportunity for growth has been my biggest challenge. I strive for excellence and efficiency, doing things right the first time, yet that’s not always what you get when you let a less experienced person take the reins of a project. 🙂
Good leaders are like parents in a way. They need to know when to step in and help and when to let their people experience small “failures” so they can grow. Isn’t leadership fun?
Hold on your own accountable to get a increased common than everyone else expects of you. By no means excuse oneself. Thank You. .