Weaving Influence has the privilege of hosting the May 2023 Leadership Development Carnival! We’re excited to share posts from leadership experts from around the globe on the topics of communication, development, engagement, motivation, productivity, team building, and more.
Sean Glaze of Great Results Team Building shared How to Improve Team Communication and Morale by NOT Being a Conversational Narcissist. Sean writes: “As a leader, you may not realize the impact your communication style has on your team’s morale and productivity. Conversational narcissism, a term coined by sociologist Charles Derber, is a common behavior that can significantly hinder effective communication and teamwork. Conversational narcissists tend to steer conversations toward themselves and dismiss others’ opinions, which can lead to frustration, resentment, and disengagement among team members.” Find Sean on Twitter at @leadyourteam.
Art Petty provided The Culture, Strategy, and Performance Killing Spiral of Poor or No Feedback. Art shares: “While we regularly focus on feedback as an individual performance tool, it’s also a critical communication tool for driving improvement across groups and for processes and initiatives. Yet, this important, honest communication is in short supply in too many organizations. Here are six things leaders must do to strengthen the feedback culture on their team.” Follow Art on Twitter at @artpetty
Diana Peterson-More shared Two Vital Communication Musts: The No Surprises Rule & The Power of Apology. Diana explains: “One might ask what ‘The No Surprises Rule,’ and ‘The Power of Apology’ have in common. The unifying thread is yours truly – the author of this post. I’ve made a lot of mistakes as an employee, supervisor, and manager; the good news is that I learned from my mistakes. The better news? I’m willing to share them so you won’t make the same mistakes!” Find Diana on Twitter at @DianaPMAuthor.
Frank Sonnenberg contributed Are You Selfless or Selfish? Frank explains: “Just think what the world would be like if everyone cared as much about their neighbor’s happiness as they did their own. Are you selfless or selfish?” Follow Frank on Twitter at @fsonnenberg.
Bev Kaye shared Mindset Matters: How Attitude Animates Aptitude. Bev explains: “A mindset is that underlying attitude that shapes the way employees approach their work. As such, mindsets help determine success or failure because they impact how an employee thinks, feels, and behaves while performing a given task or job. Think about it. Talent leaders will identify and acquire employee skill sets every day. They will then invest in upskilling or reskilling them. But while it’s undeniable that these are critical management activities, I believe it would be equally beneficial to seek out the right employee ‘mindsets’ as well.” Find Bev on Twitter at @BeverlyLKaye.
Dana Theus of InPower Coaching writes How to Prove Yourself Without Working Twice as Hard (for Half the Credit) When You Have Reduced Privilege. Dana explains: “It’s both a trope and a truth that working twice as hard will help you get ahead in your career. It’s also, not surprisingly, a key assumption that under-represented leaders assume they must overwork in order to prove themselves in order to advance their careers. I believe there is truth in these assumptions, but I also think that too many under-represented leaders use these truths as an excuse to overwork and burnout.” Find Dana on Twitter at @DanaTheus.
Bill Treasurer of Giant Leap Consulting contributed The Pressure to Deliver Results. Bill explains: “Are you feeling the pressure to deliver results in your leadership role? You’re not alone. As old as leadership itself, the pressure to achieve results can feel like a sword hanging over your head.” Follow Bill on Twitter at @btreasurer.
Julie Winkle Giulioni shared How Workers Can Harness ‘AI-xiety’ to Embrace the Impending Tech Tsunami. Julie explains: “Is your team expressing concern or anxiety around AI? In this Fast Company article, Julie offers strategies that leaders can tailor to coach employees through their ai-xiety.” Follow Julie on Twitter at @julie_wg.
Jon Verbeck provided Eliminate Waste, Improve Profit. Jon writes: “Today’s business environment is competitive. Companies are constantly looking for ways to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and increase profitability. One way to achieve these goals is to implement lean accounting practices, which help businesses identify and eliminate waste in their processes.” Follow Jon on Twitter at @jonverbeck1.
S. Chris Edmonds of The Purposeful Culture Group provided Senior Leaders’ Top 5 Culture Concerns. In this video post, Chris shares: “Senior leaders are increasingly aware that their lousy work culture could drive talented players out of their organization. Here are their top concerns.” Follow Chris on Twitter at @scedmonds.
David Grossman of The Grossman Group provided 100 Day Plan for Leaders New in Role (Examples + Template). David shares: “With the right preparation and thoughtful approach, leaders can make their first weeks and months in a new role ones that recharge, inspire, motivate and chart the path to accomplish company goals and strengthen its future. Set yourself up for success with the help of a purposeful and strategic 100 Day Plan framework.” Follow David on Twitter at @ThoughtPartner.
Steve DiGioia contributed At Least Acknowledge Me Before You Ghost Me. Steve writes: “Servers passed the host station and none thought of acknowledging us patient customers. They probably thought that wasn’t their job. The waiting customers were the responsibility of someone else, I guess. ‘Please don’t take my business for granted. Many other restaurants would be happy to take my money. And give me a big smile while saying welcome at the same time.'” Find Steve on Twitter at @stevedigioia.
Marcella Bremer of Positive Culture contributed Sustainable Development Goals for Positive Organizations. Marcella considers: “We need organizations with a positive purpose that solve ecological and social challenges. Check how the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can inspire your culture, decisions, and actions:” Follow Marcella on Twitter at @MarcellaBremer.
Angela Hummel of Angela Hummel Consulting shares Cupcake Moments. Angela writes: “As leaders, we are often faced with dilemmas, where we are moving the organization forward yet met with questions and even ridicule from others. Moving recruitment and retention strategies forward in a challenging labor market is more challenging than ever before. Instead of avoiding difficult discussions or becoming frustrated, leaders should lean into conversations about current issues and ways to address them. Doing so will increase the likelihood of problems being solved.” Follow Angela on Twitter at @AngelaJHummel.
Randy Conley of Leading with Trust shared 6 Principles to Consider Before Electronically Monitoring Remote Employees. Randy writes: “Working virtually is here to stay and many leaders are suspicious if remote employees are putting in a full-day’s work. Before you do anything drastic, Randy Conley shares 6 Principles to Consider Before Electronically Monitoring Remote Employees.” Connect with Randy on Twitter at @RandyConley.
Neal Burgis of Successful Solutions contributed Leading Your Company Through This Time of Crisis. Neal explains: “Being a leader during times of crisis requires you to be prepared for any situation. Whether you have a crisis/emergency binder or you quickly know what to do, don’t panic. This is an opportunity for you to get things done and create new ideas.” Follow Neal on Twitter at @exec_solutions.
Ken Byler of Higher Ground Consulting Group contributed Seeing WIth New Eyes. Ken writes: “We tend to trust our senses more than our instincts. If we can see it, smell it, hear it, touch it, or taste it then “it” must be real. But in our quest for reality, we may be missing the more subtle truths that guide human behavior and relationships.”
team building
Priscilla Archangel of Archangel & Associates provided 7 Essential Steps to Team Health. Priscilla writes: “Team health includes ensuring cohesive relationships between the members of the team; talking not only about strategy and execution, but also about how those discussions take place, and paying attention to team strengths and developmental needs. There are seven essential steps that support the ability of teams to function effectively.” Follow Priscilla on Twitter at @PrisArchangel.
Robyn McLeod provided Tips for Handling Toxic Team Members. Robyn summarizes: “Toxic team members can spell disaster for any team. Taking the time upfront to launch and orient the team properly, set ground rules and team agreements, and define roles and responsibilities will help ensure a successful outcome.” Find Robyn on Twitter at @ThoughtfulLdrs.
Jon Lokhorst of Lokhorst Consulting shared 5 Tips for Creating an Impactful Off-Site Team Retreat. Jon explains: “When was the last time you pulled your team away from the daily grind to work on the team, not just as a team? The best leaders recognize the need to get off the hamster wheel of never-ending operational tasks to focus on building a cohesive, high-performing team. An off-site retreat is one of the best ways to do just that.” Find Jon on Twitter at @jonlokhorst.
Eileen McDargh contributed From Sick To Well. Sea Lions Return Home. Eileen explains: “We take care of animals on land and in the ocean. What would it take for us to care for those among us who are wounded, malnourished, and scared?” Connect with Eileen on Twitter at @macdarling.
Brenda Yoho shared Gardens We Plant Hold More… Brenda explains: “I always have one chance to make a great choice as I lead the way. It is in my heart to strengthen me by lifting others with what I do and say.” Find Brenda on Twitter at @BrendaYoho.
Marcia Reynolds of Covisioning Transformational Leadership provided Quit Feeling Guilty About Not Being Present: How to Effectively Let Your Mind Wander. Marcia shares: “Don’t judge yourself for reliving past events and worrying about the future. This post shares how to listen to your wandering thoughts to find clues about what to do next.” Connect with Marcia on Twitter at @marciareynolds.
And more!
Mary Ila Ward of Horizon Point Consulting shared 4 Lessons in Personality from Hamilton. Mary writes: “What would things look like if we could see the future instead of reflect on it? No one knows ‘who lives, who dies, who tells your story,’ but if we can learn about how our situations, experiences, and personalities shape us and those around us, maybe we can at least ‘stay alive’ to write a better history where people work together instead of tearing each other apart.” Find Mary on Twitter at @maryilaward.
Jennifer V. Miller writes Are You a Toxic Aware Leader? Jennifer summarizes: “How ‘toxic aware’ are you? Leaders need to be aware of what’s going on with themselves, their teams and the organization as a whole so they can eradicate the creep of virulence before employees “quiet quit” – or walk away entirely.” Find Jennifer on Twitter at @JenniferVMiller.
Thank you to everyone who submitted articles for this month’s carnival! If you would like to be added to the distribution list for submission calls, please fill out this form and we’ll be happy to add you to the list.

I am the founder/CEO of the Weaving Influence team, the author of Reach: Creating the Biggest Possible Audience for Your Message, Book, or Cause, and the host of the Book Marketing Action Podcast. I’m a wife and mom of three kids, and I enjoy running, reading, writing, coffee, and dark chocolate.
Another great group of posts. Thanks for hosting, Becky!