Weaving Influence has the privilege of hosting the October 2023 Leadership Development Carnival! We’re excited to share posts from leadership experts from around the globe on the topics of communication, development, engagement, motivation, productivity, team building, and more.


David Grossman of The Grossman Group provided How to Communicate a Merger and Acquisition to Employees in 9 Steps. David shares: “Whether merger or acquisition decisions are to expand its operations, improve competitiveness, or achieve distinct financial objectives, M&A transactions often present a double-edged sword that brings about exciting opportunities while also introducing uncertainty and change that can be unsettling for employees. That is why effective communication is crucial to ensuring a smooth transition and maintaining employee morale and productivity.” Follow David on Twitter at @ThoughtPartner.


Priscilla Archangel of Archangel & Associates provided 360 Perspective: What Do You See? Priscilla writes: “Leadership teams often identify issues that need to be addressed in their organizations. However, they tend to identify them based on their perspective of a particular issue that needs to be solved, and their perspective may not always reflect all the views of others who are impacted by the situation. In doing so, they miss the fullness of the issues and the possibilities for improving them.” Follow Priscilla on Twitter at @PrisArchangel

Ken Byler of Higher Ground Consulting Group contributed Dealing with Passive-Aggressive Behavior. Ken writes: “If you employ passive-aggressive behaviors regularly it’s because it usually works and it feels good too. We may as well admit it. Expressing our negative feelings in a subtle or indirect way offers control with an easy way out if needed.” Connect with Ken on Twitter at @kenbyler.

Sara Canaday of Sara Canaday & Associates contributed Fall Into Growth: Your Season for Professional Advancement. Sara writes: “As Fall arrives, many of us sense a mental shift—a fresh start for personal and professional development. In this article, discover how to maximize your growth potential with a solid plan and some suggested strategies. Don’t let this season of opportunity slip away; commit to learning something new, breaking old habits, and tackling fresh challenges.” Connect with Sara on Twitter at @saracanaday.

Sean Glaze of Great Results Team Building shared How Awareness Accelerates Your Leadership Growth and Improves Team Culture. Sean writes: “The ability to cultivate awareness stands out as the most crucial trait for leaders to develop. Awareness accelerates leadership growth and improves your team culture. It encompasses self-awareness, social awareness, and situational awareness, enabling leaders to make informed decisions, build strong relationships, and foster a high-performing culture.” Find Sean on Twitter at @leadyourteam.

S. Chris Edmonds of The Purposeful Culture Group provided How Ethical Leaders Scale Respect Across Their Organization. In this post, Chris shares: “The importance of an uncompromising work culture is often overlooked by business leaders, but it has a huge impact on an organization’s success. A purposeful, positive, productive work culture not only boosts employee engagement but also leads to improved customer service, increased results, and higher profits.” Follow Chris on Twitter at @scedmonds.

Frank Sonnenberg shared Some People Have No Shame. Frank explains: “You were born with the potential for greatness, but that won’t happen without hard work, determination, and sacrifice. Why throw the gift away? That would be an incredible shame.” Connect with Frank on Twitter at @FSonnenberg.

Marcella Bremer of Positive Culture contributed The Big Con – Beware of the Experts. Marcella considers: “Mazzucato and Collington’s book The Big Con doubts the expert approach that makes money but little results. Is climate change the new consulting cash cow? Or can your engaging approach tap into the collective intelligence and yield lasting results?” Follow Marcella on Twitter at @MarcellaBremer.

Julie Winkle Giulioni shared The Labor Market May Be Shifting. Here Are 5 Mistakes Leaders Should Avoid. Julie explains: “While it may feel like employers hold all the cards right now, top talent—the people you desperately want and need—will always have the upper hand. Your good work and progress over the past few years can quickly evaporate if you wield your returning power in less-than-benevolent ways. Find five common and catastrophic mistakes that leaders should avoid as power in the labor market shifts.” Follow Julie on Twitter at @julie_wg.

Bill Treasurer of Giant Leap Consulting contributed The Open Door. Bill explains: “As a leader, it is important to have a clear understanding of what your role is. How are you facilitating growth? Are you leaving those you lead better than you found them? Real leaders open doors.” Follow Bill on Twitter at @btreasurer.

Jon Verbeck provided The Rearview Mirror for Looking Ahead: Know Yourself to Grow Yourself. Jon writes: “The rearview mirror is important, and we do have to have accurate data; it’s essential to know where you are and where you’ve been. If you don’t it’s hard to get to where you want to go.” Follow Jon on Twitter at @jonverbeck1

Art Petty provided Toward a Better Model for Leader Development. Art shares: “Our traditional methods for developing leadership talent in our organizations, including check-box training, loose mentoring, and limited access to coaching, need to be changed for a world where all organizations need to field talent who can help align, execute, and renew at the speed of change. We need a different model for leader development.” Follow Art on Twitter at @artpetty.

Marcia Reynolds of Covisioning Transformational Leadership provided Who Shaped Your Identity?. Marcia shares: “When you know who shaped your identity, you can decide what to keep and what parts you will release that will set you free to become the person you want to be.” Connect with Marcia on Twitter at @marciareynolds.

Jon Lokhorst of Lokhorst Consulting shared How to Become a Better Delegator. Jon explains: “Ineffective delegation is a leadership limiter. Leaders who don’t effectively delegate end up performing tasks that would be better handled by other team members, taking valuable time from crucial leadership functions like strategic thinking, critical problem solving, and staff development. Leaders who don’t delegate also stunt their team members’ growth, keeping them from developing essential skills.” Find Jon on Twitter at @jonlokhorst.

Randy Conley of Leading with Trust shared You Are “They” – Owning Your Role as a Mid-Level Leader. Randy shares: “It’s common for mid-level managers to view senior leadership as “them” versus “us.’ But from the team member’s perspective, the manager is “them.” If you’re a mid-level leader, you are they! In this post, Randy Conley shares concrete steps you can take to fully embrace and own your leadership role, regardless of your level in the organization.” Connect with Randy on Twitter at @RandyConley.


Lisa Kohn of Chatsworth Consulting Group shared Care for Yourself As If Your Life Depended On It. Lisa shares: “Self-care is one of the most important leadership skills. If we aren’t strong enough, we can’t lead, and if we drive ourselves into the ground, those who work with and for us will think they need to do the same.” Connect with Lisa on Twitter at @ThoughtfulLdrs.

Eileen McDargh contributed Millennials—Are They Lazy Or—Maybe Smarter? Eileen explains: “According to a recent Australian 60 Minutes program millennials want a more rounded life. We used to think hard work, long hours, and loyalty to our employers was the most important thing in life. Perhaps we need a reevaluation of how we perceive work and life.” Connect with Eileen on Twitter at @macdarling.

Neal Burgis of Successful Solutions contributed Problems Are Hidden Opportunities in Disguise. Neal explains: “Looking for hidden opportunities requires you to realize an obstacle is often a stepping-stone. If you have to, look upside down to shift your perspective to find the hidden opportunities that may be hidden that no one else is willing to look for.” Follow Neal on Twitter at @exec_solutions.

Diana Peterson-More shared Three Tips for Skill-Based Hiring. Diana explains: “Stories abound of employers saying “oh, so and so’s son (daughter, sister, cousin, etc.) just applied. Since he’s such a good employee, I know his son will be, too.” Alternatively, employers say “I just follow my gut; I rely on my instincts to get the best people.” This is what I call hiring the “usual suspects.” This is where skill-based hiring comes in: a neutral, fact-based program that nets the best candidates, allows for a fair, unbiased look at “old Joe’s” nephew, or your best client’s daughter, or the boss’s “gut reaction.” This is what I call hiring the “unusual suspects.” Find Diana on Twitter at @DianaPMAuthor.


Brenda Yoho shared Broken, Shattered,—Repaired. Brenda explains: “Building the ability to identify how to overcome, gain resilience, and discover solutions becomes essential. It’s easy to quit, but it’s more difficult, and often more rewarding, to work towards reclaiming victory in your life and your workplace.” Find Brenda on Twitter at @BrendaYoho


Lorrie Coffey of Horizon Point Consulting explains When Working Costs too Much. Lorrie writes: “The termination of each benefit creates a “cliff” for the employee at which an increase in wages creates a decrease in total income due to the loss of assistance dollars. Therefore, it may be more financially beneficial for the employee to terminate employment and find a lower paying job in order to keep their state benefits or to exit the workforce altogether.” Follow Lorrie on Twitter at @ohmyHR

Thank you to everyone who submitted articles for this month’s carnival! If you would like to be added to the distribution list for submission calls, please fill out this form and we’ll be happy to add you to the list.