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Welcome to Season 2 of The Book Marketing Action Podcast with Becky Robinson, where we give you information that you can immediately implement to increase your influence and market your books more successfully. In this episode, we are joined by Roseanne Cheng — Author and Co-Founder of Evergreen Authors.
Today’s episode focuses on why authors must stop trying to do everything when it comes to book marketing. According to Roseanne, it is far more productive to find one or two things that bring them joy and to capitalize on those things. This intentionality is what sells books and sustains an author’s success over time, making them “evergreen.”
Key Points From This Episode:
[01:23] Roseanne introduces herself and her work.
[03:32] Roseanne goes into detail about her online course and her book titled, The Evergreen Author.
[05:21] Learn more about what “evergreen author” really means.
[07:15] Roseanne explains why it is so difficult for authors to find joy in the process of marketing their books.
[09:57] Roseanne lists some common themes behind what she sees draining the joy of authors.
[09:57] Roseanne gives an in-depth explanation of the 80/20 rule and how it applies to book marketing.
[14:52] If you’re an independent author, Roseanne has some specific advice for you.
Action Steps:
- Be willing to let go of things that are draining your joy. Think about your current efforts around book marketing and choose one thing to stop doing. Send Becky an email at and let her know what you choose to stop doing as a result of listening to Roseanne’s wisdom.
- Authors, no matter where you are in your journey, think about how you can relaunch in this new reality. You have an opportunity in this world of the pandemic and post-pandemic to rethink, relaunch, and rebrand yourself and your book.
- Check out the Evergreen Authors website to learn more about the joy of getting your book into the world, and to explore the variety of resources they offer.
- Sign up for Algorithm Alchemy, an Evergreen Authors masterclass all about growing your Amazon traffic in 30 days or less. OR learn more about how to run Amazon ads here.
- Listen to this episode of The Book Marketing Action Podcast that focuses on the importance of Amazon ads, how to effectively use them, and myths related to Amazon advertising.
- Follow Roseanne and Evergreen Authors on Facebook, Pinterest, and LinkedIn, and subscribe to their YouTube channel.
Tweetables and quotes:
I’m all about the real work that goes behind book marketing. And the good news is some of that work doesn’t have to be as hard as you think it is. In fact, it can be really fun and really joyful. – Roseanne Cheng
We feel very strongly that the most successful authors — the happiest authors — are the ones who are all about sustainability. They’re creating a writer career, an author career, that is something that they can do for the long haul, the long term. – Roseanne Cheng
What you need to be doing is finding one or two things that you enjoy doing when it comes to your book, or your brand, or your business, or whatever it is that you’re doing to put yourself out there, and do those one or two things really well. – Roseanne Cheng
Social media is something that drains people’s joy, just because there’s this weird misconception that they’re all the same, when they are not. And so you need to find one or two that you really enjoy. – Roseanne Cheng
In the marketing world in general, 80% of your results are going to come from 20% of your work. – Roseanne Cheng
If you found value in today’s episode, we hope you’ll take a moment to share it with someone else who might benefit from it. If you have any questions or topics you’d like us to cover, please email Becky Robinson here.
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I am the founder/CEO of the Weaving Influence team, the author of Reach: Creating the Biggest Possible Audience for Your Message, Book, or Cause, and the host of the Book Marketing Action Podcast. I’m a wife and mom of three kids, and I enjoy running, reading, writing, coffee, and dark chocolate.
Under RESOURCES, you write ” … or download a free sample here.” When I clicked on it, I was disappointed because I had taken it to mean I was getting a freebie, which was not the case (I still would have had to pay $5 for the book. It seemed deceptive. If I give you “the benefit of the doubt” I will just call it a “miscommunication.”
Somewhere in that section you use the word “compliments” when it should be “complements” — a common mistake.
Finally, while repetition can be good and effective, it can also imply that your material is limited. Look over your whole “pitch” keeping that in mind.
P.S. Check out my book, Out of My Mind: Quotations that Delight, Dazzle, and Confound. It was published in 2020 at $15.95, and now lists for $4.80 (Amazon’s decision, not mine). Best bargain you will find anywhere. Also, check out my Facebook Page (“Leslie Miklosy”). If you like playful language and thought-provoking ideas, you’ll enjoy the visit.
Hi Leslie,
We appreciate your feedback! Recognizing that this episode was released more than two years ago, we understand that some of the links or offers may have changed over time.
We have updated the language under resources from “download a free sample here” to “explore special offers here” to avoid any further misunderstanding.
The word “compliments” is on the webpage for Evergreen Authors, but we can certainly pass that correction along to their team.
Again, thank you for your feedback. We are hopeful that our most recent podcast show notes align better with your comments. We will take this all into consideration moving forward!
Isabel Thornton
Internal Marketing Coordinator at Weaving Influence