At our house, we’re pretty strict about “bad words.” Stupid is a on the list for example. So is hate.
If one of the girls says a bad word, her sisters are quick to tattle. “Mom, she said a bad word!”
Sometimes when I mention the word automation in social media circles, I feel like I’ve said a bad word.
Social media purists will say that they want their Twitter feed to grow organically. Or maybe they’ll take pride in the fact that they’ve grown their account “naturally,” suggesting that a Twitter account grown without any automation tools is somehow superior to a Twitter account grown using them.
When I suggest automating tweets, I get a bit of resistance. When I push back, I hear that people want to be real and authentic on Twitter; they don’t want to spam or become just another bot on Twitter.
I get that — I really do. And I guess this is a time when your “Why” really matters.
If you are using Twitter for business in any way at all, I urge you to consider using (some) automation tools to grow your account. I also recommend that you schedule (some) of your tweets.
Here’s why:
Twitter automation tools free you up so you can SHOW up.
When you use automation tools, you free yourself from the mundane tasks of following new people, following back, and you can spend your time connecting with people, instead. Ted Coine has a great perspective about why he auto follows back everyone. I agree with him, and I take it one step farther. If you’re going to follow back everyone, set up a tool to do it automatically.
And then use that time to hang out on Twitter. Send a few RTs or start a conversation.
Amy Tobin has a much different perspective. And some of her readers share some pretty strong opinions on this topic.
I have written before that Twitter is not a numbers game to me. It’s not, and it is. It’s not, because what matters most is connection. It is, because bigger numbers equals the potential to make connections.
Automation is a bad idea if it is a replacement for showing up and connecting.
Automation is not a bad idea if it frees your time to allow you to engage regularly and meaningfully with others.
That’s what I think!
Tell me something! Do you use automation? If so, what do you use it for? If not, why not?

I am the founder/CEO of the Weaving Influence team, the author of Reach: Creating the Biggest Possible Audience for Your Message, Book, or Cause, and the host of the Book Marketing Action Podcast. I’m a wife and mom of three kids, and I enjoy running, reading, writing, coffee, and dark chocolate.
Hi Becky
I am fairly new to Twitter and social media (<1 year) so I am not up to speed on automation, except as a recipient. I don't really like the auto-DMs when I follow inviting instantly to like their FB or sign up for their blog.
I use Buffer to time a few tweets throughtout the day. These are usually posts and articles I stumble across while reading. It also allows me to broadcast my own posts while I am actually working. Frankly I had not considerd auto-follow, but I do follow most people until they give me a reason not to.
No, I do not think automation is a bad word, and makes sense if you don't plan to be on social media 24/7. It frees up time for actual engagement, and allows you to make active choices about retweets and actual engagement with a few people.
As a side note, when my girls were small, stupid was on our list of "bad words" as well.
Care to share the tools you use and why you use them?
Automation, as you’ve explained is a sound practice. While we use it to “automate” some tasks. The application of its use is entirely manual, and consistently monitored.
Watch what others do, make note of those that misuse automation, and in your use of it do your darnedest not to use it like “they” do.
I auto follow folks but I can’t stand all the DM’s. I also schedule some tweets so that I consistently present quality content. I’ve found a number of author’s who never miss a trick. So it’s easy to auto-tweet their content.
But I never Auto-DM. Did I say that before? I never auto-DM. I hate that kind of spam.
Did I mention, I don’t like Auto-DM’s.
Mike —
How on earth did I forget to mention auto DMs? They are a waste of everyone’s time – the people who set them up and the people who receive them.
Do I sound harsh? If so, apologies. I just really don’t like auto DMs.
Ok – I’m done.
Hi Becky.
I often use Buffer or schedule tweets through HootSuite. I use them because I like how other people use them. There are only a few folks who can post 10 tweets all at once and you don’t feel like you’re getting spammed (namely @tom_peters). Otherwise, it’s nice to get periodic tweets from folks throughout the day. I try and do the same.
Thanks Tim, I agree. Buffer is a cool tool.
I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts!
I do sometimes schedule tweets and here is my reason. If someone tweets someone right now and I retweet it right now, I feel like it’s reaching the same audience. I feel like there’s a better chance of more people seeing it if I schedule it for a little bit later. I use both buffer and crowdbooster for scheduling.
I have recently put a widget on my blog that will tweet one of my previous blog posts once every 4 hours and I’m loving that, too, because people are actually reading them! 🙂
Auto DMs? Oh please don’t get me started. I have only one rule that I follow on twitter. If I follow someone and I get an auto-DM telling me to like them on facebook, I immediately unfollow.