Decision #1: I Will Do the Work

Decision #1: I Will Do the Work

Every where I click online, it seems like people are writing year-end wrap-ups and talking about planning for the new year. As we enter December, I am considering: What did I accomplish this year? Where do I want to be next year this time? What has defined my year?...
Note to Self: Spend More Time Offline

Note to Self: Spend More Time Offline

My life tends to follow a predictable routine: Work, family time, sleep. On the weekends, I add church, time with extended family, housework, and the occasional outing. The past 5 days, however, have been anything but usual. Starting Wednesday, I enjoyed: a train ride...
Breaking Out of Our Routines

Breaking Out of Our Routines

Last night I took my girls swimming at dusk. I am normally very regimented at bedtime, even in the summer, even on Friday nights. My girls wake up early no matter what time they go to bed. Natalie, especially, creeps into my office each morning, still cozy from her...
Working Toward Balance

Working Toward Balance

For much of my academic career I was a straight “A” student. I was an over-achiever and a perfectionist. I was known to cry when I got a “B.” The only “C” I ever got (in conduct because I talked, even then, way too much) prompted a parent teacher conference...