by Becky Robinson | Mar 3, 2011 | Inspiration
I’m driving in the car with my daughters. We’re talking about our birthdays later this year. My oldest daughter will be turning ten just months after I turn forty. Our thirty year age gap makes it easy for all three of my girls to remember my age. “Cami is nine so...
by Becky Robinson | Sep 15, 2010 | Leadership
Last week, my two oldest daughters started school. I am adjusting to a new schedule, new routines. One goal I have personally this fall is to train for a half marathon. This summer, I ran sporadically. As a result, I am not as prepared as I would like to be to run...
by Becky Robinson | Sep 7, 2010 | Leadership
Last week, we published a white paper here at the LeaderTalk blog. David Burkus left a comment congratulating me on “shipping,” a reference to Seth Godin’s Linchpin. I have to admit to you now, as I admitted to David when he left the comment, that I...