We all do it — we procrastinate about certain tasks or plans. We put off “that thing,” transfer it from yesterday’s to-do list to today’s, telling ourselves that tomorrow (yes, tomorrow) we’ll finally do “that thing.” Then when tomorrow comes, we find something more important to do, or something unexpected comes up, or we find a reason to put off “that thing,” for another(!) day.

“That thing,” can stay where it is —in our minds or on our list — for a long time unless we overcome our resistance.

I talk to a lot of people who know that using social media to grow their business is the right answer, but they aren’t doing it. As I do, I’ve noticed common themes. I’ve even had one client share a list of possible sources of resistance in ourselves and others.

Here are some possible sources of your resistance to using social media and some thoughts to help you overcome your resistance.

The tools, tactics, and terminology are foreign to you. With all the hashtags, symbols, and abbreviations, tweets can seem to be written in another language. In fact, everywhere you go online, you read new words or phrases that you don’t understand. You may be procrastinating because the learning curve seems so big and you’re not sure where to find the information and explanations you need.

Start with a commitment to learn. Set aside time each day to learn a little more about how to use social media. You can read blog posts, sign up for a webinar, or work through a guide from our Playbook series. You can find a coach or consultant to help you. As you read and ask questions about what’s unfamiliar with you, you will gain more confidence in your ability to use social media tools. Our Quick Start Guide may be a great starting place for you.

You’re concerned about privacy. Your initial observations show you that people share anything and everything online. You’re not sure how much you feel comfortable sharing. You’re worried about the safety connected to sharing information about yourself online. And, you aren’t sure how to set up your social media accounts to preserve and protect your privacy.

Make a list of your specific concerns related to privacy. Then find a way to answer each one. What safeguards can you put into place? What are you comfortable sharing? It may be helpful to talk to a trusted coach or mentor about your concerns.

You’re not comfortable with self-promotion. You want to grow your business but the idea of promoting your own thoughts, ideas, products, or services feels “not quite right” to you. Why would anyone want to listen to your ideas and read your content?

Reframe this thought — see it from another perspective. When you share content on social media channels, you are offering something of value to others. If you take your focus off yourself and put it onto others, you can focus on what to share, what value you offer, and the difference you can make to others.

You don’t want to be “connected” all the time. You’re worried that a commitment to social media will mean that you are constantly checking Twitter, logging into Facebook, or checking email.

Decide how much time you want to spend. You can choose how much (or how little) time to spend using social media channels to build your business. Make a commitment, stick to it, and put boundaries in place if you need to to protect the rest of your life (Turn off your phone! Turn off your computer.) Consistent, focused effort will make a difference!

If using social media is “that thing” you’ve been putting off, I hope these ideas will help you identify the source of your resistance so you can move past it. What other concerns do you have about using social media to grow your business? How can we help?

photo credit thecrazyfilmgirl