Of Course I Blog

Of Course I Blog

Talking to some collaborators, they expressed surprise that I blog regularly. Really? My business involves consulting with people about strategies to grow their influence online. The core of my message is that the most important part of anyone’s online presence...
I’m Not Ready Means It Doesn’t Hurt Enough

I’m Not Ready Means It Doesn’t Hurt Enough

The words in the title of this post come from a tweet last night from my friend Dan Rockwell, @LeadershipFreak. I retweeted them because they seared into my thoughts. I retweeted them because I have seen them demonstrated in my own life, countless times. Here’s...

Procrastination, Worry, and Regret

I just finished a task that I put off doing all weekend. Longer than that, if I’m honest. I estimated that it would take me about an hour to do it. Had I known it would take about half that time, would I have done it sooner? I find multiple reasons to...
What Are You Waiting For?

What Are You Waiting For?

Earlier this evening, the happy sounds of fourteen girls echoed through the ravine behind my house. The bravest of the bunch, eight or ten, waded into the creek, while the rest played in our treehouse, climbing the rope ladder, swooshing down the slide, watching us...