We DO Judge a Book by Its Cover

We DO Judge a Book by Its Cover

We’ve all heard you should never judge a book by its cover, but the reality is we do—and readers do. Authors spend months and sometimes years writing their books, but just minutes making decisions about how the book looks and feels. The visual elements of a book...
Goodreads: A Key Author Tool

Goodreads: A Key Author Tool

When we ask new clients if they have a personal account on Goodreads, we are often met with blank looks. Goodreads? What’s that? If you’re having the same reaction right now, then grab a cup of coffee and keep reading—because if you’re an author and you’re not using...
Why Amazon Reviews Matter

Why Amazon Reviews Matter

How many of you have ever purchased—or not purchased—a book because of a review you read? I’ll be the first to admit that many of the books currently on my nightstand, waiting to be read, are there because of an Amazon or Goodreads review. Although I occasionally add...