Creating an Email Newsletter

Creating an Email Newsletter

Today is one of those days when I realize how much I am learning. A year ago, I had no idea what a friend was talking about when he asked me (about another friend) “Does he have a list?” I didn’t know that a list was a list of email addresses for...
Does Value = Money?

Does Value = Money?

My daughter has a cupcake business. So far, Mom and Dad are her angel investors. We buy all the supplies. She uses items from our pantry to make her sweet treats. When she sells an order, she keeps all the profits. (She keeps the tips, too.) I use profits in the...
I Am One of the 70%

I Am One of the 70%

I am one of the 70%. I am one of the 70% of small business owners who have a website for my business. It’s difficult for me to believe that in 2011, nearly 30% of small business owners don’t have websites. Although I understand it. I consider myself pretty...