What to Tweet and Where to Find It

What to Tweet and Where to Find It

If you have been following my tweets lately, you may have noticed an interesting shift. Over the past few weeks, I have become more disciplined and consistent in sharing valuable content with my communities, thanks, in large part, to a new tool I’ve discovered...
What Happens When You Stop Blogging

What Happens When You Stop Blogging

I give my clients the advice to blog a minimum of once a week. Why once a week? When you blog once a week, you establish a rhythm of content creation, offering  valuable content consistently. Consistent posting fuels a successful online presence. When you blog...
Celebrating X 3

Celebrating X 3

Our website is sporting a new logo as we spend the next few months celebrating the two year anniversary of Weaving Influence. I have been serving clients through this company since January 2012, and added my first subcontractor the next month, but I mark the official...
What To Do When You’re In the Weeds

What To Do When You’re In the Weeds

A lovely creek runs through the ravine behind my home. As spring turns to summer, the paths my husband works hard to clear through the woods can easily become overgrown; keeping the paths open requires regular attention. If we venture off his carefully cleared paths,...