by Becky Robinson | Aug 7, 2012 | Social Media
photo credit smowblog If you follow me on Facebook, you know we had a lot of fun at church yesterday. At the end of the service, beach balls descended from the ceiling of our auditorium. Standing beside my daughter, I pushed aside any fleeting thoughts of “You...
by Becky Robinson | Aug 4, 2012 | Influence Building
Last night I took my girls swimming at dusk. I am normally very regimented at bedtime, even in the summer, even on Friday nights. My girls wake up early no matter what time they go to bed. Natalie, especially, creeps into my office each morning, still cozy from her...
by Becky Robinson | Aug 2, 2012 | Book Launch
“In anything worth doing, there is a necessary downside. In order to experience ultimate satisfaction, you must embrace the hard things.” Jeff Goins, Wrecked. I got up early on Sunday morning and read Jeff Goins’ new book, Wrecked, in one sitting....
by Becky Robinson | Jul 31, 2012 | Social Media
In late June, I came up with the idea of loading the 12 Minute Tips that I write each week, into one, easy to use e-book. I shared this idea with my team at Weaving Influence to see if they thought I was crazy, but their support was overwhelming, and 31 Days of...
by Becky Robinson | Jul 27, 2012 | Book Launch
Something big is about to happen in your life. A milestone birthday. Any birthday. A wedding. A new baby. A new home. An anniversary. A retirement. Each event deserves a party. So does a new book. Launching a book represents a major accomplishment for anyone, and so...