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Featured on Friday: The Thankfulness Edition

Featured on Friday: The Thankfulness Edition

On June 28, 2012, just under two months after I started working with Becky, I wrote a post for Weaving Influence in which I shared how practicing daily gratitude had changed my outlook on life. If you follow my personal blog, you know that every Friday I write a post...

Do You See?

Do You See?

I love connecting virtually, but there are limits to how well someone can know you when they only see your life displayed online. Sometimes, that's because we only choose to show the pretty parts, the shiny ones, the happy ones. We pick and choose what to share. We...

The Twilight Zone

The Twilight Zone

Note from Becky: This post marks 600 posts on the Weaving Influence blog. Yes, 600! I started blogging at in December of 2010, although the 600 posts published here also include several from my days blogging at LeaderTalk, with dates reaching back...

It’s What I Didn’t Do

It’s What I Didn’t Do

Running a virtual business requires a high degree of connectivity. My clients are virtual; most of my team are virtual. To serve them well, I must stay connected via email and social media channels. I am nearly always tethered to my iPhone. That my company is a social...

Featured on Friday: Tara Alemany

Featured on Friday: Tara Alemany

Today's guest post comes from Tara Alemany, author of The Best is Yet to Come, which was released on November 8, 2013, and is available on Amazon. Congratulations, Tara! Like what you read today? Follow her on Twitter, visit her website, and don't forget to buy her...

Social Media Is Not The Enemy

Social Media Is Not The Enemy

Working in the world of local television news, social media was once seen as an enemy, just another thing added to a long list of things we have to get done by deadline.  There just wasn't enough time in the day to get everything done and to have it done...

Featured on Friday: Deb Mills-Scofield

Featured on Friday: Deb Mills-Scofield

Curious about the Featured on Friday posts? Learn more. We are so grateful for all of our clients and their decision to entrust their book launch or social media promotion to us. It's an honor to be able to stand behind these amazing people and support their efforts...

6 Ways to Improve Blog Post Visibility

6 Ways to Improve Blog Post Visibility

If you have a blog, you want people to read it. You probably aren’t writing just for yourself, otherwise you’d keep it offline. And you probably want more than just your mom and few good friends to read it. You want people to comment and share it with others. And you...

Featured on Friday: Mike Myatt

Featured on Friday: Mike Myatt

Curious about the Featured on Friday posts? Learn more. If you haven't picked up on it by now, allow me to let you in on a little secret: we get to know some amazing leadership experts in our work at Weaving Influence. We have the unique opportunity to read through...

Facebook: How to Leverage the EdgeRank System

Facebook: How to Leverage the EdgeRank System

Or, why having a large Facebook following is not enough... You’ve spent months building up your social following on Facebook. You’ve run fan-gating promotions, optimized the images on your profile and even included social icons on all your marketing materials....

That Look

That Look

We're trail running, in step, crunching yellow leaves with every foot fall. The trail looks so different from the last time we set out, so it's almost like a new run. I enjoy these talks, these runs, but we have silent moments, too — I need to conserve my energy and...

Featured on Friday: The Heart of Leadership Links

It's been a tremendous launch week for Mark Miller, author of The Heart of Leadership. Here at Weaving Influence, we never get tired of seeing the buzz that is built by our outstanding community of supporters.  By late Thursday afternoon, there were over 70 Amazon...