Over the past four years, we have had the honor of launching over 65 incredible books. As part of our anniversary celebration this month, we thought we’d look back at some of our team’s favorites. As you can imagine, it was hard to narrow down the list! Our clients have written fantastic books on business, leadership, and more. After much debate, here are five that stood out – one for each year.
2012 – Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go – Beverly Kaye and Julie Winkle Giulioni
Carrie Koens, a long time member of the WI team, shared her thoughts on one of the first books Weaving Influence launched:
“Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go by Beverly Kaye and Julie Winkle Giulioni was the first book launch I worked on from start to finish, and the second client book I read from cover to cover. Four years later, the takeaway that STILL comes to mind when I’m faced with disappointments and frustrations, in work or in life, comes from a Help Them Grow quote: “Onward and Upward has been replaced by Forward and Toward.” Forward and Toward reminds me that I need to take action in my own life, always looking forward, and always working toward something. I’ll never forget it.”
2013 – Managers as Mentors – Chip Bell and Marshall Goldsmith
When Managers as Mentors launched, Paula Kiger was a member of Team Buzz Builder, but not yet a part of the WI contractor team. Even so, this book stands out to her for its practicality and applicability to her life. She shared a blog post that she wrote then and finds it is still very true today. In the post, she examined a time in her life when a mentor could have made a difference in her career trajectory. The book encourages avoiding “the easy way out” and explains why “don’t make it complicated; just get in front of it” is an approach that pays off in huge dividends over the long term.
2014 – Why Motivating People Doesn’t Work and What Does – Susan Fowler
WI Team member Kylah Frazier shares: I enjoyed and appreciated Susan Fowler’s book, Why Motivating People Doesn’t Work…And What Does, because she touches on something that in retrospect should be obvious, but often gets ignored, that something being that people are already motivated. Once we realize this we can shift the focus from if they are motivated to why they are motivated, because not all motivation is created equal. Getting a person to a place where they carry out an action because it fulfills them vs. doing it because of outside pressure or stress means empowering them to see the value in what they do and ultimately be happier and find it more meaningful. It’s a business book, but it applies to life outside of the office too.
2015 – Disrupt Yourself – Whitney Johnson
Our Founder and CEO Becky Robinson shares her thoughts on why Disrupt Yourself by Whitney Johnson was a favorite from 2015:
One of the reasons I enjoyed launching Disrupt Yourself is that it gave me the chance to work with Whitney Johnson again. Whitney was one of our very first clients. Another reason I enjoyed it is that it’s a really, really good book and it very clearly communicates Whitney’s thought leadership and point of view on a topic she’s created, and one that can potentially influence the trajectory of a person’s life and career in a tremendous way. Anyone who is not sure they’re living up to their potential or enjoying how they spend their work days should read this book and think through the concepts.
2016 – Under New Management – David Burkus
I was excited when I found out I’d be working with David Burkus on the launch of Under New Management as I was already a fan of his first book, Myths of Creativity. Under New Management did not disappoint. This book challenged so many standard business practices such as email, performance reviews, limited vacation time and more. I loved reading about companies that are challenging the status quo – and succeeding!
Note: David will be talking about why performance reviews don’t work in a free webinar on July 14. Click here to learn more and to register.
With over 65 launches, it was hard to narrow down to just five so this list is by no means exhaustive!
What about you? What is your favorite book that Weaving Influence launched? What stands out to you?
Image credit: 123rf/alekswolff

Stephanie completed her masters in public relations and corporate communications at Georgetown University in 2015. She lives outside Washington, DC with her two dogs.