The Most Important Door-Opener

The Most Important Door-Opener

Bill Treasurer has invited bloggers to write about people who have opened doors of opportunity for them as part of his Leadership Opportunity Blog Fest. I’m pleased to participate to draw attention to this simple and powerful leadership concept, inspired by...
How to Find a Mentor

How to Find a Mentor

I received an email from a friend yesterday who talked about her desire for — and difficulty finding — a mentor. I don’t have any formal mentors in my life, ones I meet with regularly and have agreements and goals with, but I do have several people who build...
The Most Important Door-Opener

Chaos and Mentoring

Sometimes we have to be willing to tell the truth, even when it’s difficult. For that reason, I am grateful to two valued friends (team members) who recently told me that our business tends towards chaos. In doing that, they each became mentors to me in those...
The Mentoring Sandwich

The Mentoring Sandwich

In the same way that middle-aged adults are often in the sandwich generation, balancing parenting growing families with caring for aging parents, I lately feel like I am smack dab in the middle of a mentoring sandwich. I am mentoring others (sometimes more...
Love First, Then Open the Door

Love First, Then Open the Door

We love our staff. Seriously. Love them. That means that we empower them to take risks, catch them when they are falling, cover them when family needs to come first, push them to overcome their own inhibitions, and celebrate with them when they create greatness....
Opening Doors for Others is NOT Chivalry

Opening Doors for Others is NOT Chivalry

It’s a standard some women use to judge the success of a date: did he open doors? I spoke to a friend recently as she recounted a first date. He was wonderful, she said. Did everything right: brought roses, opened doors.  When a man opens doors on a date, we...