Are You A Thought Leader?

Are You A Thought Leader?

A popular term in today’s digital world of content creation, “thought leadership” is not really a new concept at all. In fact, The Oxford English Dictionary gives its first citation for the phrase in 1887 by describing Henry Ward Beecher as “one of the great...
A Refirement Story

A Refirement Story

Tom attends many of our events, and reached out recently with his personal story of refiring. It’s from a book we promoted earlier this year, which emphasizes approaching “the rest of life” with enthusiasm rather than apathy, seeing each day as an...
How to Succeed as a Millennial

How to Succeed as a Millennial

These days, you can’t open a magazine or browse the web without seeing a litany of articles and headlines proclaiming the vices of the millennial generation. They’re too self-important. They’re lazy. They’re glued to their screens. They’re not responsible. Today’s...
Get Ready for Your Best Year Yet

Get Ready for Your Best Year Yet

It’s just a month until 2015. The time goes so fast. Are you prepared for the new year? My challenge to you is to prepare for 2015 right now and use the month to fully prepare yourself to have an amazing year. Think of the New Year as a hiking track, you need to get...
The Secret: Standing the Test of Time

The Secret: Standing the Test of Time

Our world moves so quickly now. Think back 10 years ago. What’s changed in your life?  Do you have the same hairstyle? Probably not.  Drive the same car? Unlikely.  Same phone? There’s no way, right? (After all, the iPhone didn’t come along until...