Best Book Launch Tips: Stay Centered

Best Book Launch Tips: Stay Centered

This week, my team and I have been lamenting some recent changes to Twitter. As a result of these changes, we need to find new solutions to serve our clients. Here’s an example: we’ve been experimenting with Twitter chats, using an app called Tweetchat....
Why Promoting a Book is Not Promoting Yourself

Why Promoting a Book is Not Promoting Yourself

From time to time, I work with a client who is uncomfortable with self-promotion. If you want to write, publish, and market a book, you will need to get used to the idea of promotion, but not of yourself. You need to be committed enough to your message to promote it....
Best Book Launch Tips: Go Ahead, Buy the Domain

Best Book Launch Tips: Go Ahead, Buy the Domain

Today’s tip is helpful at the very beginning stages of dreaming of writing, or of actually writing, a book. Unless you are fortunate enough to own your name as a dot com URL (nope, is not me), and unless you plan to have one author website for...
Best Book Launch Tips: Watch What Others Do

Best Book Launch Tips: Watch What Others Do

If you are a first time author planning to launch a book in the coming months, now is the time to become a student of how others are launching their books. Here is a basic plan you can follow. Use social media channels to identify an author who will soon launch a book...