If finding time to build your social media presence feels overwhelming to you at times, you are not alone.

I just noticed that I haven’t posted here in nearly two weeks!

Sometimes, even 12 minutes to write a blog post feels like too much in the midst of business travel, holiday preparations, time with family, and work commitments.

My goal here is to help you build your social media presence, 12 minutes at a time. Consistent, focused effort is critical.

So, what if 12 minutes feels like too much? Perhaps, it feels like too much because time to build your social media presence is last on your list, something you’ll only do once everything else is complete.

I want to recommend that you set aside time on your calendar at the beginning of the week: block in time to build your social media presence.

Otherwise, it’s too easy for that time disappear.

Make a commitment that is as firm as any other appointment. Write it down or add it to your electronic calendar. Determine to keep the time sacred. When the time comes, you will be free to use it in the way that you intended.

Plan how you will spend your time. In order to make your time as productive as possible, plan in advance how you will spend it. Will you write a blog post? Connect on Twitter? Look for new connections on LinkedIn? If you plan in advance, you won’t waste time staring at the computer screen wondering how to spend your time. Instead, you can just do the work you’ve set aside the time to complete.

Build on your success. Make scheduling the next time block part of your regular routine. If you can, schedule in the same time every day or every week so that time spent building your social media presence will be a habit.

I want to encourage you to do that now. Schedule some time in your calendar next week. Plan how you will spend your time (write it down.) And determine to use that time in a focused, productive way.

Tell me something! How will you spend your social media time next week?