A Healthy Relationship With Technology

A Healthy Relationship With Technology

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. -Arthur C. Clarke It started to become a real problem when I was eleven or twelve. I would stay up late thinking, writing in my journal, listening to the sounds our old, creaky house made when the...
Consistency and Taking My Own Advice

Consistency and Taking My Own Advice

I’m hoping you haven’t noticed that it’s been nearly two weeks since I last posted on this blog, especially if you’re a client of mine.  (Wait, I just gave it away, didn’t I. Blast!) Here’s what I say to my clients: Consistency in...
When 12 Minutes Feels Like Too Much…

When 12 Minutes Feels Like Too Much…

If finding time to build your social media presence feels overwhelming to you at times, you are not alone. I just noticed that I haven’t posted here in nearly two weeks! Sometimes, even 12 minutes to write a blog post feels like too much in the midst of business...
A G+ Experiment

A G+ Experiment

Google+ is new and growing very quickly. I have enjoyed being an early adopter and learning from others as we figure out ways to engage and connect on this new platform. But many of the people I have connected with on Twitter and Facebook are not active on G+ yet....
How To Have Great Impact

How To Have Great Impact

My oldest daughter has lived over 35 million minutes in her eight and a half years of life. She’s grown from 7 pounds to 60 and stands about four feet tall. She is independent in many ways, especially compared to the infant we brought home from the hospital. She...