5 Ways Remote Teams Can Build Teamwork

5 Ways Remote Teams Can Build Teamwork

Remote work used to be a very rare occurrence, but according to a study by IWG, two-thirds of the workers across the globe now work remotely at least 1 day per week. That’s a staggering number — and it’s growing. We at Weaving Influence work remotely, too. Some...
Reflections on 2016 at Weaving Influence

Reflections on 2016 at Weaving Influence

If I’m super honest and vulnerable, I’ll tell you that I’ve had a lot of ups and downs in leading Weaving Influence this year. Unexpected staff departures. Client projects that didn’t go as well as I’d hoped. Times of doubt and wondering....
Featured On Friday: #WITour2016

Featured On Friday: #WITour2016

I have to say, being part of a virtual team is AWESOME. Not only do I get all the benefits from working from home (from as far as Israel!), but I don’t necessarily miss out on the personal interactions that come from a traditional shared work environment because...
Group Projects: The Then & Now

Group Projects: The Then & Now

While in school—whether middle school, high school, or college—I always dreaded “group projects” where the grade was shared among all group members. It felt so wrong, unjust even, to give everyone the same grade regardless of how much they contributed. Oftentimes, I...