Make it a Habit

Make it a Habit

I set my alarm for all-kinds-of-early today so I could try again at one habit I can’t seem to stick with consistently: running. If you’ve read this blog for long, you know that I am an on-again-off-again runner. I do well for weeks (even months), and then...
You are NOT Me

You are NOT Me

You are just like me. You think like me. You act like me. You respond in exactly the ways I would expect. You share my attitudes and beliefs. You know what I know (even if I didn’t tell you.) What motivates me would motivate you. What would reward me, rewards...
Not a Shotgun Wedding

Not a Shotgun Wedding

Your agenda is a barrier to true connection. If you approach the use of social media tools with a clearly defined agenda and looming deadline for results, you’ll find yourself frustrated, invariably. The more urgent your need to get “something”  from...
Permission to Move On

Permission to Move On

A friend called me on Monday afternoon. He knew I’d hit a few rough and bumpy patches lately. He listened to me moan and whine and then he said some pretty powerful words. “You have 24 hours to feel bad about this — eat a lot of ice cream, whatever it is...