What? No Internet on My Flight?

What? No Internet on My Flight?

If I’d known there would be no internet access on this 4+ hour flight, I might have come better prepared to work offline. I wouldn’t have come, as I did, eager for an extended stretch of uninterrupted work time (online). I have a constant battle with my email inbox,...
Go Farther, Together

Go Farther, Together

My team is supporting Eric Lowitt this week in his launch of The Collaboration Economy: How to Meet Business, Social, and Environmental Needs and Gain Competitive Advantage. If we want to make a measurable difference through our actions, we must find ways to partner...
How to Find a Mentor

How to Find a Mentor

I received an email from a friend yesterday who talked about her desire for — and difficulty finding — a mentor. I don’t have any formal mentors in my life, ones I meet with regularly and have agreements and goals with, but I do have several people who build...