by Becky Robinson | Feb 18, 2013 | Influence Building
Weaving Influence is comprised of a virtual team — apart from weekly calls on GoToMeeting with cameras, we’ve never all been in the same place at the same time. That means we’ve never shared a meal together as a team, never had an in person party, and...
by Becky Robinson | Feb 17, 2013 | Inspiration
Yesterday, I did not post, breaking my 15 day streak and missing a day on my 28 day challenge. Today, I am writing early. There’s no one reason why I didn’t post yesterday. Awake for 17 hours, I had 85 possible 12 minute segments in which I could have...
by Becky Robinson | Feb 15, 2013 | Social Media
In working with clients to build their online influence, this is a frequent question. There is no one clear cut answer about the best ways to generate more traffic on your blog — there are lots of answers. Writing more posts typically translates into more page views....
by Becky Robinson | Feb 14, 2013 | Marketing
If you are planning a book launch and keeping a checklist of activities, be sure to add this one: Consider, plan for, and order print collateral for your book launch — early. This is especially important if part of your book launch strategy includes speaking events,...
by Becky Robinson | Feb 13, 2013 | Inspiration
Three years ago today, our family made a big move from Chicago to where we are now. Our second floor condo: home for nearly 8 years. When we arrived, our daughter had just learned to walk. We welcomed two more daughters to our family during our time there....