These Dark Mornings

These Dark Mornings

These dark mornings of fall. I’ve written about it recently. I look at my window, and all I can see is my sleepy self reflected back. The days are shorter, the mornings later, the mornings darker, no sign of a break of light. I get up early, at a time it should...
Room for Creativity

Room for Creativity

A few weeks ago, I spent some time at the Chick-Fil-A corporate headquarters. I found a lot to love at their offices, and I’m not just talking about the chicken — which I DO love. Perhaps the most inspiring aspect of the offices: whiteboards everywhere!...
Thankful for: Pitch Black Edition

Thankful for: Pitch Black Edition

It’s really dark in the morning these days. I can’t see anything in my office window now except a reflection of what’s inside. Still, I am thankful. For the fact that every day is new (56), for the beautiful fall leaves that will be outside my window...
7 Lessons from 7 Book Launches

7 Lessons from 7 Book Launches

In 2012, my company has launched 7 books so far. (6 for other authors, one for me.) Through the experience of each launch, we’re learning ways to serve our clients more effectively. Although our process is similar for each launch, we are refining through trial...
Thankful For: Quick List Edition

Thankful For: Quick List Edition

It’s a busy morning at my house. The girls are starting to wake up and I’m getting a late start on my post. So, I’ll quickly share my thankful for list. This week, I am thankful for: 51. Wise coaching and encouragement from friends. Susan Mazza has...