by Becky Robinson | Jun 25, 2012 | Inspiration
I know it’s been a good day because Natalie, my 8 year old, who often complains about how much I work, announced earlier: “This is a perfect day.” Today was our first work day at home after two weeks away, my annual working vacation. As the day...
by Becky Robinson | Jun 23, 2012 | Influence Building
After I had been working virtually for a few months(some time in the middle of last year), I spent some time writing about the pros and cons of telecommuting. I saved the writing as a draft on this blog but never published it. Now that I am leading my own virtual...
by Becky Robinson | Jun 21, 2012 | Influence Building
I’m at my mom’s South Carolina lake house this week, continuing a working vacation that started in Florida. I’ve been working plenty, meeting with clients, completing client work, and meeting with members of my team. I’ve also been vacationing...
by Becky Robinson | Jun 20, 2012 | Influence Building
In a comment on yesterday’s post, my friend and client Julie (so kindly) wrote: “You are the best at this, Becky. It’s a real gift the way you demonstrate a sincere interest and desire to connect with others.” Her comment made me smile. And. Being...
by Becky Robinson | Jun 19, 2012 | Social Media
Each morning, I begin my time on Twitter by asking a question. It’s typically the same question, and I’ve certainly written about it in this space before: “Who’s awake?” I don’t ask because it’s a particularly important or...