by Becky Robinson | May 26, 2012 | Social Media
I’m hoping you haven’t noticed that it’s been nearly two weeks since I last posted on this blog, especially if you’re a client of mine. (Wait, I just gave it away, didn’t I. Blast!) Here’s what I say to my clients: Consistency in...
by Becky Robinson | May 15, 2012 | Leadership
I have struggled in the past, feeling inadequate about my lack of resume-friendly leadership experience. My leadership experiences — up until recently — all of the volunteer variety: I helped my husband start and lead a church. I led small groups of women in Bible...
by Becky Robinson | May 9, 2012 | Inspiration
Work for me has typically been a necessary evil, emphasis on evil. For years I didn’t realize there were people who actually found fulfillment in the activity that provided them with a paycheck. “They call it ‘work’ not ‘fun’ for a reason,” was my mantra. Meeting my...
by Becky Robinson | May 8, 2012 | Influence Building
It’s the morning of Whitney Johnson’s launch of Dare, Dream, Do: Remarkable Things Happen When You Dare to Dream. It’s also the morning my very first keynote speech. I first woke up about 3 am, went back to sleep, then woke up again around 4 am. At...
by Becky Robinson | May 3, 2012 | Inspiration
Today on SmartBlog on Leadership, I am writing about the role a leader can play in inspiring their team members to dream. I hope you’ll click through and read the post. In it, I quote Whitney Johnson, whose book is launching in just 5 days. She writes “If...