Quench Their Appetite

Quench Their Appetite

A few weeks ago, I had a wonderful social media exchange with the community manager of a restaurant here in Chicago called Nellcôte. The interaction eventually led to an invitation for a friend and me to come to dinner as her guest. Needless to say, I was tickled. It...

The Reluctant Twitterer

I like to think of myself as an early adopter. As a member of the last generation to suffer the miseries of erasing carbon copies on a typewriter, balancing a checkbook by hand, and lying awake half the night trying to remember the name of an actor or musician, I was...
The First (And Most Important) Step to Building Buzz

Five Ways to Improve Your Blog

A few years ago when I started my personal blog I had delusions of grandeur. I thought immediate success, fame and fortune were only a few keystrokes away. And I was convinced that I was fully qualified to publish a stellar blog — no training required. As years have...