Search Blogs
The Last Blog Post of 2013
I started the year with a blog post and published my share of blog posts throughout the year. It seems fitting that I should write again before the year comes to a close. I already wrote a wrap-up of 2013 -- it's been a great year. And I already have a foot into 2014:...
Featured on Friday: Beverly Kaye & Sharon Jordan-Evans
Several members of our team at Weaving Influence (myself included) have taken a few days off this week to celebrate Christmas. I hope that you also found time to unplug and spend time with your loved ones... or perhaps with your nose in a new book. As you can imagine,...
The Story of the Shoes: How @topoathletic Won My Heart
It started with my friend @TedCoine. Ted decided to experiment with his Twitter presence one day before buying a pair of running shoes. In early November, Ted decided to tweet shoe companies to see who would respond. Kicking tires, he called it. I watched with...
What a Great Year!
2013 has been an amazing year for Weaving Influence. We are grateful for the opportunities we've had to serve our clients and for the relationships we enjoy with our online communities, especially the bloggers/influencers of Team Buzz Builder. This has been a year of...
Hack Your Way to the Future
I spent some time this morning with Mike Myatt's just-released book, Hacking Leadership. As we near the end of the year and look to a new one, I find myself evaluating progress we made this year, considering lessons learned, setting goals for the new year, making...
Social Media and Story Marketing: Good Alone, Great Together!
Story marketing is a big buzzword in marketing circles right now and deservedly so. I think the reason stories work so well for business is because they speak to your client or customer on a human level. As humans, we respond to stories, we connect to their messages....
Featured on Friday: Bob Tiede
The online world often seems like it is more self-promotion than promotion of others. We talk about our blogs, our holiday plans, our latest and greatest achievement - it's the nature of being social, I suppose. However, isn't it nice when someone offers to let you...
Using Curation to Shape Your Book Category
Like it or not, publishers, booksellers, readers, and the media think of you and your book as part of a category—they associate you with other books, authors, ideas, styles, location etc. My primary category, for example, is listed right on the back of my book:...
Featured on Friday: Ralph Jacobson
At Weaving Influence, it feels like we're always buzzing about one book or another, and that's just the way we like it. If you haven't caught on by now, our team is primarily made up of readers, people who can never have one too many books on their shelves. There is...
The Power of Kickstarter
I always knew I wanted to write children's books but needed a way to fund the project to make it happen. My dream became reality when I discovered Kickstarter and started my campaign. Founded in 2009, the website serves as a meeting point for artists to find project...
Featured on Friday: Black Friday Shopping Edition
If you're like a large section of the American shopping public, you're out there today, fighting the crowds to find a deal. Or maybe you're like some of the folks on our team who prefer to avoid the after-Thanksgiving madness and do our shopping online. If so, then we...
How to Use QR Codes for Your Business
Most of us have probably seen these abstract images, consisting of black and white squares, and it’s becoming a common occurrence to see these squares used everywhere. Rather impressive, considering that they have only been around for 20 years. Originally designed in...