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Opening Doors for Others is NOT Chivalry
It's a standard some women use to judge the success of a date: did he open doors? I spoke to a friend recently as she recounted a first date. He was wonderful, she said. Did everything right: brought roses, opened doors. When a man opens doors on a date, we call it...
Opening the Door to New Opportunities
If you're a regular reader of Weaving Influence, and if you're visiting the site for the first time since the weekend, you might be noticing that we've made some big changes around here. Exciting, isn't it? I'm especially excited that our redesigned site is live in...
Best Book Launch Tips: Stay Centered
This week, my team and I have been lamenting some recent changes to Twitter. As a result of these changes, we need to find new solutions to serve our clients. Here's an example: we've been experimenting with Twitter chats, using an app called Tweetchat. Tweetchat uses...
How Often Do I Blog? How Often Do I Run?
How often do I blog? This afternoon, a new PR connection asked me how often I blog. Well, judging from the last post I published (nearly two weeks ago) — not that often. Two or three times a week, typically, I told her. I didn't tell her about the month of February,...
Why Promoting a Book is Not Promoting Yourself
From time to time, I work with a client who is uncomfortable with self-promotion. If you want to write, publish, and market a book, you will need to get used to the idea of promotion, but not of yourself. You need to be committed enough to your message to promote it....
Exercising My Delegating Muscle
It's hard for me to believe I've only been in business full time since last June, not even a year yet. Growing Weaving Influence feels, at times, like life on hyper-drive. We've got a lot going on: adding new subcontractors, training new subcontractors, starting new...
When Tragedy Trends
When I read about the bombings at the Boston Marathon yesterday, my first thought was of my husband's colleague, Tom, who runs the marathon each year in full gear for the Wounded Warrior project. We'd been talking about Tom's extreme commitment to bring attention to...
Best Book Launch Tips: Go Ahead, Buy the Domain
Today's tip is helpful at the very beginning stages of dreaming of writing, or of actually writing, a book. Unless you are fortunate enough to own your name as a dot com URL (nope, is not me), and unless you plan to have one author website for...
Best Book Launch Tips: Watch What Others Do
If you are a first time author planning to launch a book in the coming months, now is the time to become a student of how others are launching their books. Here is a basic plan you can follow. Use social media channels to identify an author who will soon launch a book...
Ten Moments and Lessons from 20 Years of Marriage
My husband and I are celebrating 20 years of married life today. Here are 10 memorable moments, in order of occurrence, as much as I can remember: On the second night of our marriage, we went camping together for the first time, in the Daniel Boone National Forest....
Best Book Launch Tips: Join with Others to Learn Best Practices
In the video below, Mark Miller shares that marketing and selling books is becoming increasingly difficult. Mark-Miller-1080 from Mark Miller on Vimeo. One of the best ways to prepare to launch and market your book is to learn from the wisdom of others: authors and...
Ways I Am Growing My Business — and Why
This is a big day for Weaving Influence. We are having our first ever informational meeting/training for possible new team members/subcontractors. In a slight shift from our up-until-now virtual team, we are meeting in person, in my home. Three of the attendees are...