by Kelly Edmiston | Jan 22, 2025 | Book Launch, Influence Building, Marketing
The Purpose of Book Launch Events You’ve written your manuscript, found a publisher, survived the revisions, and now you have a date circled on your calendar when your book will launch into the world. This is a big deal, and you need to celebrate it! The best...
by Lori Weidert | Oct 30, 2024 | Book Launch
Book Production Insights From Our Self-Publishing Specialist The experience of being an author has dramatically changed in recent years. Publishing, editing, and online marketing are easier than ever to access, allowing more voices to share their messages with diverse...
by Becky Robinson | Aug 7, 2024 | Book Launch
Once your book has launched, you may be unsure of how to continue marketing over time. One of my favorite approaches is to incorporate new, creative initiatives at least quarterly, planning with pen and paper. Start with a blank piece of paper and...
by Becky Robinson | Jul 9, 2024 | Book Launch
I’ve often used the analogy of a wedding to describe the planning and preparation required for a momentum-filled book launch. I recently traveled to Kentucky for the wedding of my niece, which inspired even more connections between how we involve our communities when...
by Becky Robinson | Jun 12, 2024 | Book Launch
As an author of a hybrid published or self-published print-on-demand book, you may be wondering if pre-orders are important or how they can fit into your overall strategy for your book. If you’ve chosen hybrid publishing and a print-on-demand distribution, your...
by Becky Robinson | Apr 10, 2024 | Book Launch
If you’re a traditionally published author, your book will likely be set up for pre-orders nine to 12 months in advance. This means that anyone will be able to find your book through online retailers and place an order but the person ordering your book will not...