by Carrie Koens | Feb 11, 2020 | Influence Building
When we ask new clients if they have a personal account on Goodreads, we are often met with blank looks. Goodreads? What’s that? If you’re having the same reaction right now, then grab a cup of coffee and keep reading—because if you’re an author and you’re not using...
by Carrie Koens | Oct 29, 2019 | Influence Building
You’ve written your manuscript, found a publisher, survived the revisions, and now you have a date circled on your calendar when your book will launch into the world. This is a big deal, and you need to celebrate it! If you’re not sure where to start, we’ve got three...
by Laura Finch | Oct 22, 2019 | Influence Building
Every author needs to write and publish constantly—right? If we don’t… who are we? Will our skills crinkle up and disappear? Will our influence disappear from the interwebs altogether? Articles are a great way to build your platform and reach new readers, but crafting...
by Mike DiGirolamo | Sep 3, 2019 | Influence Building
Generosity. Who doesn’t like a generous person? Very few of us. We all like being around generous people, and it’s fair to characterize generous people as usually being very friendly and kind. However, being generous is quite a lot deeper than this. We often think of...
by Christy Kirk | Aug 27, 2019 | Influence Building
There are countless studies that connect happiness at work with increased productivity. Consequently, there are companies offering free snacks and enticing trips as a way to boost happiness on the job—but is that the path to happiness and productivity? There’s growing...
by Elizabeth Johnson | Jul 30, 2019 | Influence Building
At first glance, remote work looks like it has all the perks and none of the frustrations of an office job. No dress code. No commute. No loudmouth neighbor in the next cubicle. Freedom to stay home or travel or visit the beach whenever you want. But remote work has...